TY - JOUR AU - Kusano, Yukari AU - Kawagoe, Izumi AU - Yamaguchi, Ai AU - Kishii, Jun AU - Morita, Yuki AU - Fukuda, Masataka AU - Kochiyama, Tsukasa AU - Hayashida, Masakazu PY - 2023 TI - Postoperative analgesia following robot-assisted thoracic surgery for mediastinal disease: retrospective comparative study of general anesthesia alone, combined with epidural analgesia, and with ultrasound-guided thoracic paraspinal block JF - Annals of Translational Medicine; Vol 11, No 5 (March 15, 2023): Annals of Translational Medicine Y2 - 2023 KW - N2 - UR - https://atm.amegroups.org/article/view/111209