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A patient with situs inversus totalis and lung cancer—a rare combination

	author = {Konstantinos Grapatsas and Anastasios Piyis and Konstantinos Neofotistos and Zoi Tsilogianni and Paul Zarogoulidis and Dimitrios Paliouras and Apostolos Gogakos and Nikolaos Barbetakis and John Organtzis and Ioannis Kioumis and Konstantinos Porpodis and Wolfgang Hohenforst-Schmidt and Ilias Karapantzos and Chrysa Karapantzou and Kosmas Tsakiridis and Aggeliki Rapti and Charalampos Charalampidis and Konstantinos Kaselouris},
	title = {A patient with situs inversus totalis and lung cancer—a rare combination},
	journal = {Annals of Translational Medicine},
	volume = {4},
	number = {22},
	year = {2016},
	keywords = {},
	abstract = {Situs inversus totalis (SIT) is a rare clinical entity which is characterized by a complete reverse anatomy of the thoracic cage and abdomen. There are a few reports of patients with SIT and lung cancer. The number of the cases that have been treated surgically is also very small. We report a case of an 80 years old patient who underwent left lower lobectomy after staging with uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) and mediastinoscopy.},
	issn = {2305-5847},	url = {}