author = {Daniel J. Gould and Hyuma A. Leland and Adelyn L. Ho and Ketan M. Patel},
title = {Emerging trends in social media and plastic surgery},
journal = {Annals of Translational Medicine},
volume = {4},
number = {23},
year = {2016},
keywords = {},
abstract = {Social media has increasingly changed the landscape of medicine and surgery and is rapidly expanding its influence in most peoples’ lives. The average person spends nearly 2 hours per day using social media, consuming information about everything from family updates to entertainment news to presidential elections. The concentration of consumers on social media platforms has resulted in direct medicine and medical products marketing to consumers. Similarly, social media is increasingly becoming a platform for interaction between physicians and potential patients. Some physicians have taken this opportunity to better educate patients, while allowing patients to learn more about their surgeons online. These tools can increase internet traffic online to bonafide internet sites, as well as bolster marketing for many hospitals, hospital systems, and individual doctors. It can also serve to increase knowledge about procedures and conditions through direct outreach to patients. Social media is a powerful tool which needs to be utilized wisely to avoid pitfalls.},
issn = {2305-5847}, url = {https://atm.amegroups.org/article/view/12911}