TY - JOUR AU - Kumar, Narendra PY - 2017 TI - The surgical atrial fibrillation ablation with concomitant coronary artery bypass grafting on the testing grounds of cost and 1-year mortality JF - Annals of Translational Medicine; Vol 5, No 17 (September 15, 2017): Annals of Translational Medicine Y2 - 2017 KW - N2 - Surgical ablation (SA) for atrial fibrillation has been gaining prominence with evolution of better tools and techniques that are ultimately resulting in better success rates (1-3). SA and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) are considered as the gold standards in their respective domains for treatment of atrial fibrillation and multi vessel coronary artery disease. Currently, CABG remains the most commonly performed cardiac surgery and most SA are performed simultaneously with other cardiac procedures (4). UR - https://atm.amegroups.org/article/view/15864