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Prioritizing molecular markers to test for in the initial workup of advanced non-small cell lung cancer: wants versus needs

	author = {Howard West},
	title = {Prioritizing molecular markers to test for in the initial workup of  advanced non-small cell lung cancer: wants versus needs},
	journal = {Annals of Translational Medicine},
	volume = {5},
	number = {18},
	year = {2017},
	keywords = {},
	abstract = {The current standard of care for molecular marker testing in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has been evolving over several years and is a product of the quality of the evidence supporting a targeted therapy for a specific molecular marker, the pre-test probability of that marker in the population, and the magnitude of benefit seen with that treatment. Among the markers that have one or more matched targeted therapies, only a few are in the subset for which they should be considered as most clearly worthy of prioritizing to detect in the first line setting in order to have them supplant other first line alternatives, and in only a subset of patients, as defined currently by NSCLC histology. Specifically, this currently includes testing for an activating epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutation or an anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) or ROS1 rearrangement. This article reviews the history and data supporting the prioritization of these markers in patients with non-squamous NSCLC, a histologically selected population in whom the probability of these markers combined with the anticipated efficacy of targeted therapies against them is high enough to favor these treatments in the first line setting. In reviewing the evidence supporting this very limited core subset of most valuable molecular markers to detect in the initial workup of such patients, we can also see the criteria by which other actionable markers need to reach in order to be widely recognized as reliably valuable enough to warrant prioritization to detect in the initial workup of advanced NSCLC as well.},
	issn = {2305-5847},	url = {}