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On the article “Drugs targeting protease-activated receptor-4 improve the anti-thrombotic therapeutic window

	author = {Pancras C. Wong and Jing Yang},
	title = {On the article “Drugs targeting protease-activated receptor-4 improve the anti-thrombotic therapeutic window”},
	journal = {Annals of Translational Medicine},
	volume = {6},
	number = {3},
	year = {2017},
	keywords = {},
	abstract = {French and Hamilton reviewed our publication entitled “Blockade of protease-activated receptor-4 provides robust antithrombotic activity with low bleeding” (1) positively and provided ideas and insights for future research on the drug target protease-activated receptor-4 (PAR4) (2). We have a few remarks addressing the concerns raised by French and Hamilton.},
	issn = {2305-5847},	url = {}