%0 Journal Article %T Innovations in functional and rehabilitative knee bracing %A Hewlett, Jim %A Kenney, John %J Annals of Translational Medicine %D 2019 %B 2019 %9 %! Innovations in functional and rehabilitative knee bracing %K %X New knee brace designs are available that have the potential to improve patient outcomes relative to traditional bracing. For the indications of post-knee injury/surgery recovery, conservative management of knee osteoarthritis (OA), total knee arthroplasty (TKA) pre-habilitation, and the treatment of post-surgical extension deficits/flexion contractures, innovative new bracing designs merit review and discussion. The researchers requested information from industry brace manufacturers, and from the information received, have selected those products considered significant improvements over traditional functional brace designs for review in this article. Clinical research supporting the benefits of the innovative products listed in the article have been cited when available. The authors are both Certified Orthotists with over 50 years of combined knee bracing experience. %U https://atm.amegroups.org/article/view/24875 %P S248 %@ 2305-5847