TY - JOUR AU - Bhave, Anil PY - 2019 TI - Editorial for focused issue “advances in knee rehabilitation” JF - Annals of Translational Medicine; Vol 7, Supplement 7 (October 23, 2019): Annals of Translational Medicine (Focus on “Recent Advances in Knee Rehabilitation”) Y2 - 2019 KW - N2 - In this special issue of Annals of Translational Medicine focused on advances in knee rehabilitation, well-distinguished clinicians, and researchers address recent advances and problems related to orthopedic knee rehabilitation. I selected most relevant problems of the knee dysfunction such as, osteoarthritis of the knee joint, ligament injuries and post operative management of total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Since many patients do go to a physiotherapist directly I felt it was important to add a review article by Young Kim about red flag rules and identify when not to treat the patient. Our intent was to present the latest research in review articles and give readers guideline as to how to manage complex knee dysfunction, as well as to present some cutting edge original research on advances in knee rehabilitation. UR - https://atm.amegroups.org/article/view/30748