%0 Journal Article %T Comprehensive analysis of tumor microenvironment and identification of an immune signature to predict the prognosis and immunotherapeutic response in lung squamous cell carcinoma %A Wu, Jinlong %A Xu, Chengfeng %A Guan, Xin %A Ni, Da %A Yang, Xuhui %A Yang, Zhiyin %A Wang, Mingsong %J Annals of Translational Medicine %D 2021 %B 2021 %9 %! Comprehensive analysis of tumor microenvironment and identification of an immune signature to predict the prognosis and immunotherapeutic response in lung squamous cell carcinoma %K %X %U https://atm.amegroups.org/article/view/67140 %V 9 %N 7 %P 569 %@ 2305-5847