%0 Journal Article %T Tribulus terrestris L. protects glomerular endothelial cells via the miR155-H2AC6 interaction network in hypertensive renal injury %A Pei, Hui-Juan %A Yang, Jie %A Hu, Fang-Xiao %A Chen, Yong-Zhi %A Yang, Chuan-Hua %J Annals of Translational Medicine %D 2021 %B 2021 %9 %! Tribulus terrestris L. protects glomerular endothelial cells via the miR155-H2AC6 interaction network in hypertensive renal injury %K %X %U https://atm.amegroups.org/article/view/83346 %V 9 %N 21 %P 1626 %@ 2305-5847