
Welcome Dr. Steven P. Rowe to be the New Co-Editor-in-Chief of ATM

Published: 2025-03-04

The editorial office is pleased to announce that Dr. Steven P. Rowe (figure 1) is taking on the role of Co-Editor-in-Chief of Annals of Translational Medicine (ATM), effective from March 2025. Please join us in wishing Dr. Rowe all the best in his new role!

Figure 1. Photo of Dr. Steven P. Rowe

Dr. Rowe completed the Medical Scientist Training Program at the University of Michigan, obtaining his medical degree and a PhD in chemistry in 2009. He subsequently undertook training in diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine at Johns Hopkins, joining the faculty in 2016. In 2023, he moved to the University of North Carolina as a Professor of Radiology and the Division Chief of Molecular Imaging and Therapeutics. Dr. Rowe has been an NIH and DoD-funded investigator and has published more than 450 papers on topics ranging from prostate cancer theranostics to renal mass characterization. His current research continues to focus on genitourinary molecular imaging, while incorporating advanced imaging analysis methods such as radiomics and artificial intelligence.

In 2021, Dr. Rowe had been a Guest Editor of ATM to lead a special series on Artificial Intelligence in Molecular Imaging for ATM:

We are excited to have Dr. Rowe in the new position to build on his experience with ATM and the collaborative effort of the team to add brilliance to ATM. We believe that ATM will achieve a higher standard and greater prestige under the joint leadership of Drs. He, Ng and Rowe.