The definition of spine bone mineral density (BMD)-classified osteoporosis and the much inflated prevalence of spine osteoporosis in older Chinese women when using the conventional cutpoint T-score of −2.5
Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disease characterised by a reduction in bone mass and qualitative skeletal changes that cause an increase in bone fragility and a higher fracture risk. The clinical significance of osteoporosis lies in the fractures that occur, and the most important fracture is hip fracture. According to the 1994 World Health Organization (WHO) criteria, the T-score is defined as: (BMDpatient − BMDyoung normal mean)/SDyoung normal population, where BMD is bone mineral density and SD is the standard deviation. When the femoral neck (FN) is measured in adult women, a cutpoint value of patient BMD of 2.5 SD below the BMDyoung normal mean satisfies that the prevalence of osteoporosis for those aged ≥50 years is about 16.2%, the same as the lifetime risk of hip fragility fracture (FF) (1,2). If other sites are also considered, this cutpoint value identifies approximately 30% of postmenopausal women as having osteoporosis, which is approximately equivalent to the lifetime risk of FF at the spine, hip, or forearm. It is widely assumed that this osteoporotic subset of the population loses bone mass at a faster rate, and interventions should ideally begin before an FF occurs.
While some clinics measure only FN BMD, others measure anteroposterior lumbar spine BMD and total hip BMD as well, with the site presenting the lowest T-score considered for the diagnosis of osteoporosis. However, the 1994 WHO document did not provide a specific definition of spine osteoporosis (1). Though primary osteoporosis is a systematic disease that affects the whole skeleton, it has been demonstrated that FN BMD reduction best predicts hip FF, and spine BMD reduction best predicts vertebral FF (3,4). Therefore, when both FN BMD and spine BMD are measured, it may be reasonably assumed that the clinical endpoint for spine osteoporosis is clinical vertebral FF. It is widely believed that the ratio of clinical vertebral FF to hip FF ratio is roughly 1 (5-7). In the study of Lam et al. (6) using data from Manitoba, Canada (2000 to 2007), for the female age group of 55–84 years, there were 2,313 clinical vertebral FFs and 2,395 hip FFs. The younger subjects (<70 years) had a higher prevalence of vertebral FF and older subjects (>70 years) had a higher prevalence of hip FF. The ratio of clinical vertebral FF to hip FF is close to 1 around the age of 70 years (Figure 1) (6,7). However, the reported prevalence of clinical vertebral FF is likely affected by the ease of access to medical care, with populations with easier access reporting a higher prevalence. If we use a T-score of −2.5 as the cutpoint for defining spine osteoporosis in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2005–2008 data (8), the prevalence of spine osteoporosis for older USA Caucasian women ≥50 years is 15.8% (9), which is a reasonable value because it is similar to the osteoporosis prevalence of the FN BMD definition (considering the ratio of clinical vertebral FF to hip FF is close to 1). Therefore, for Caucasian women, using the same cutpoint osteoporosis T-score (i.e., ≤−2.5) to define both FN and spine osteoporosis is justifiable, although it may not be ideal. Figure 2 shows that, if lumbar spine T-score ≤−2.5 is taken as the cutpoint for defining osteoporosis, in addition to USA Caucasians and blacks (8,9), the data from Canada (10), Australia (11), Southern Italy (12), and Sweden (13) all demonstrate that FN BMD-classified osteoporosis (FN osteoporosis) prevalence and spine BMD-classified osteoporosis (spine osteoporosis) prevalence are similar. Löfman et al. (13) studied women aged 70 years and reported that FN osteoporosis prevalence and spine osteoporosis prevalence were 36% and 32%, respectively. Mautalen et al. (14) reported higher spine osteoporosis prevalence for the ‘younger’ group of their study participants and higher FN osteoporosis prevalence for the ‘older’ group of their study participants, consistent with the pattern that the clinical vertebral FF to hip FF ratio is higher than 1 prior to the age of 70 years and lower than 1 after the age of 70 years.

The FF prevalence of older Chinese women is slightly less than half that of Caucasians (9,15). This is the case for hip FF, radiographic vertebral FF (Figure 3) (16), clinical vertebral FF (Figure 4) (17,18), and many other FF sites (9,15). Since the prevalences of vertebral FF and hip FF of older Chinese women are both slightly less than half of those of Caucasians, the clinical vertebral FF to hip FF ratio is also likely to be around 1 at the age of 70 for Chinese women (i.e., the same as for Caucasians), and this is demonstrated in Figure 4. Moreover, in a Korean study, Lim et al. (19) analysed female participants from the National Health Insurance Service senior cohort (mean age: approximately 68 years), and reported clinical vertebral FF and hip FF to be 10.7% and 9.6%, respectively (derived from Tab. 3 in reference 19). In a Japanese study of 1,342 postmenopausal women aged 50 years or more with a median follow-up of 15.2 years, Kamiya et al. (20) recorded 38 and 35 cases of clinical vertebral FF and hip FF respectively. We anticipate that the dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) based prevalence of FN osteoporosis in Chinese women will be approximately half of that of Caucasians, and that the prevalence of FN osteoporosis and spine osteoporosis will be similar in Chinese women. However, the reported data show a quite different picture. Figure 5 shows one result from a meta-analysis of different Chinese female populations, four population-based studies from mainland China, two population-based studies from Taiwan and two population-based studies from Korea, and one each from Hong Kong and Japan (21-34). Except for the meta-analysis result, all other results were randomly selected from the literature. Overall, population-based studies from China, Korea, and Japan tend to report an FN osteoporosis prevalence of >8%, which is more than half of older Caucasian women’s rate. Moreover, for all studies in Figure 5, the prevalence of spine osteoporosis was substantially higher than that of FN osteoporosis, with spine osteoporosis prevalence exceeding what would be expected from the variation of the clinical vertebral FF to hip FF ratio across different age bands (5-7,9-14,19,20,35,36).

Based on statistical modeling, we recently proposed that the cutpoint T-score for defining FN osteoporosis should be revised from ≤−2.5 to ≤−2.75 for Hong Kong older women when a local BMD reference range is being applied (9). This lowers the prevalence of FN osteoporosis in women ≥60 years from 14.7% to 10%. More notably, if we use the Caucasian cutpoint T-score of ≤−2.5 to define spine osteoporosis, the prevalence of spine osteoporosis for Hong Kong women ≥60 years is as high as 34.8%, which is unreasonable (also see Figure 2 results for Caucasians). We also proposed that (9) the cutpoint T-score for defining spine osteoporosis should be revised from −2.5 to −3.74 in order to arrive at a prevalence of spine osteoporosis of 10% for Hong Kong women ≥60 years old using the local BMD reference of Lynn et al. (37). In an empirical study on women with radiographic vertebral FF, we recently demonstrated that, at the mean age of 73.5 years and considering vertebral FF status, an FN T-score of −2.56 for Italian Caucasians is equivalent to −2.61 for Hong Kong Chinese, while a lumbar spine T-score of −2.7 for Italian Caucasians is equivalent to −3.54 for Hong Kong Chinese [n=310 Chinese and Italian pairs (38)]. For the 512 Chinese cases [mean age: 74.0 years, from the MsOS (Hong Kong) study] analysed in that study, 20.5% of the cases had FN osteoporosis, while 41.0% had spine osteoporosis when the conventional cutpoint T-score of −2.5 was used (38).
In conclusion, while a cutpoint T-score ≤−2.5 for defining spine osteoporosis is justified for Caucasian women, for Chinese women the same cutpoint T-score much inflates the estimated prevalence of spine osteoporosis. Despite DXA being an imperfect method for measuring bone strength, in addition to the use of a local BMD reference database, an adjusted cutpoint T-score for defining osteoporosis among elderly Chinese women should be applied, particularly for spine BMD measurements (9,38). Moreover, although this article presents female data, our earlier analysis showed a similarly inflated prevalence of spine osteoporosis in older Chinese men if the cutpoint T-score ≤−2.5 is used (9). We expect that the principles presented here may also apply to osteoporosis estimation in other East Asian populations. For example, it has been suggested that older Korean women and Japanese women have FF risk profiles similar to those of older Chinese women (Figure 4) (5,39-41).
The author thanks Professor Glen Mervyn Blake, King’s College London, UK, for his constructive comments for this article.
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- World Health Organization. Assessment of fracture risk and its application to screening for postmenopausal osteoporosis: report of a WHO study group [meeting held in Rome from 22 to 25 June 1992]. 1994. Available online:
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