Erythrocyte removal from bone marrow aspirate concentrate improves efficacy as intra-articular cellular therapy in a rodent osteoarthritis model
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Key findings
• Erythrocyte removal from bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) improved outcomes in a mouse model of osteoarthritis (OA) compared to treatment with BMAC or no treatment, as reflected by mobility, gait analysis, and histologic parameters.
What is known and what is new?
• Despite the high prevalence of OA, there remains a need for additional therapeutic options. Cellular therapies with minimally manipulated cells such as BMAC are increasingly popular but clear-cut evidence of efficacy has not been established. In this animal model, consistent treatment benefit from complete BMAC was not seen, particularly compared to RBC-depleted BMAC. Mechanistic studies further suggested that RBC-depleted BMAC exhibited greater disease modification through reduced induction of pro-inflammatory cytokine expression from joint tissues.
What is the implication, and what should change now?
• Consideration should be given to routine RBC removal when using BMAC to treat OA to improve efficacy and reduce inflammation associated with injection. Further investigation of fractionated BMAC for improved treatment of OA is warranted.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a multifaceted disease process impacting more than 10% of the US adult population and is highly associated with pain, disability, and economic burden (1,2). Current options to treat OA include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, intra-articular injections of corticosteroids or biological therapies, and arthroscopic debridement with chondral resurfacing techniques. Despite the high prevalence of OA, there remains a lack of effective treatment options that offer pain relief and improve quality of life without the risk of significant adverse effects (e.g., gastrointestinal side effects associated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory use). Cellular therapies, in many cases touted as “stem cell therapy”, for treatment of OA and other chronic orthopedic conditions have emerged as an attractive new option in both human and veterinary surgery (3-16). While cellular therapy is increasingly popular, efficacy remains unclear due to variability in composition of cellular products and lack of consistency among study designs supporting different therapies.
Increased Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation of cellular therapies has prompted evaluation of minimally manipulated treatments. Currently, biological therapies employed for human OA include autologous bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) and enriched autologous platelet products (3-5,8,17,18). Bone marrow aspirate concentrate has demonstrated benefit in healing full thickness cartilage defects in both animal models (19,20) and human clinical patients with naturally occurring disease (21-27). In equine models of induced full-thickness chondral defects, BMAC treatment resulted in improved macroscopic and histologic scoring of cartilage tissue quality based on magnetic resonance imaging compared to microfracture alone (19) and reduced surgical trauma to subchondral bone (20). It was further suggested by the authors of that paper that “given the few mesenchymal stem cells in minimally manipulated BMAC, other mechanisms such as paracrine, anti- inflammatory, or immunomodulatory effects may have been responsible for the tissue regeneration observed” (20). In clinical patients, BMAC has demonstrated therapeutic potential in several orthopedic conditions following intra-articular injection, including knee and spinal OA (28-32), with significant improvement in pain and functionality scores, in uncontrolled, open-label trials (32).
BMAC consists of a mixture of multiple different cell types, including red blood cells (RBCs), stromal cells, immune cells (macrophages, neutrophils, B and T lymphocytes), and true hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), all of which are concentrated by the centrifugation and washing steps required to prepare BMAC (8). Although BMAC is used as a cellular therapy in the management of acute and chronic OA in humans, the individual contribution of the diverse cell populations in BMAC in suppressing inflammation and stimulating cartilage repair has not been established (3,33,34). Of note, BMAC injections are reportedly highly inflammatory and anecdotally result in significant morbidity following injection in many recipients (3). Indeed, numerous previous studies have highlighted the role that hemarthrosis plays in joint degeneration, demonstrating blood-induced joint damage with increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and eventual cartilage degradation (35-56). Thus, we hypothesized that the RBC component within BMAC might interfere with the potential benefits of the overall cellular therapeutic effects of BMAC. If it was shown that RBC elimination improved the efficacy of BMAC in rodent models, it might be possible to remove RBCs from BMAC to improve activity in clinical patients.
Therefore, the overall objectives of this work were: (I) to compare the relative inflammatory properties of RBC-lysed and non-lysed BMAC using in vitro assays and (II) to determine whether RBC removal improved the efficacy of BMAC in a rodent destabilization of the medial meniscus (DMM) model of OA. The results of these studies could improve cellular therapies for OA by providing mechanistic understanding of optimal BMAC cellular therapies. We present this article in accordance with the ARRIVE reporting checklist (available at
This study was approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at Colorado State University (IACUC protocol #1017) and conducted according to the national guidelines under which the institution operates, and NIH Guidelines for the Care of Use of Laboratory Animals (8th edition).
In vitro assays for BMAC-induced inflammatory responses
In vitro assays using macrophages as the indicator cells assessed the relative immunogenicity (cytokine release) of BMAC and RBC-depleted BMAC. BMAC was prepared from mouse bone marrow by extrusion from the tibia and femur with a #27 needle from two 12-week-old male C57BL/6Nci mice (Charles River Laboratories, Wilmington, MA, USA), as described for preparation of human BMAC (3,8). Briefly, the tibia and femur were severed using a #10 scalpel blade at both proximal and distal aspects of the bone and bone marrow lavaged from the medullary cavity using a #27 needle with sterile phosphate buffered saline (PBS). The bone marrow was suspended in PBS and RBCs were removed by Ammonium-Chloride-Potassium (ACK)-lysis for 10 minutes followed by centrifugation 1,200 g for 5 minutes and three washing steps in PBS. BMAC and RBC-depleted BMAC preparations were then added at a 1:3 ratio to mouse AMJ (alveolar macrophage with the J2 retrovirus carrying the v-raf and v-myc oncogenes) murine alveolar macrophages [American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Manassas, VA, USA] cultured in Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) medium (GibcoTM, Thermo Fischer Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) + glutamine (57,58), and plated at a density of 2×105 macrophage cells per triplicate wells of 96-well plates in complete Dulbucco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) (GibcoTM, Thermo Fischer Scientific) culture, as described recently (59-62). Controls included macrophages cultured in complete DMEM media alone. After 48 h in culture, macrophage supernatants were assayed for tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) concentrations by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) according to manufacturer’s instructions (Mouse TNF-α DuoSet ELISA, R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN, USA).
Studies were done using 12-week-old male and female C57BL/6Nci mice (Charles River Laboratories, Wilmington, MA, USA). Thus, this study considered sex as a biological variable, as male mice develop post-traumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA) more severely in the DMM model than female mice (63). Animals (n=10 per group; 5 males, 5 females) were randomly assigned to receive either surgery followed by no injection (untreated), complete BMAC, or RBC-depleted BMAC, for a total of thirty mice used. All animals were included in the final analyses. Mice were housed together by sex in groups of five in solid bottom cages with corncob bedding and allowed ad libitum water and standard rodent chow. Mice were maintained in the university’s Laboratory Animal Resources building and were assessed by a veterinarian daily with body weights monitored weekly. At the conclusion of the study, mice were euthanized via CO2 inhalation with confirmation by cervical dislocation.
Bone marrow collection and preparation of BMAC
Bone marrow was collected from the tibia and femur of 12 healthy mice (two mice per treatment group and per sex) by extrusion with a #27 needle, as per above. The cell suspension was processed to produce BMAC using two centrifugation steps, as described previously and above (8). A portion of the BMAC was reserved for cytological analyses and flow cytometric evaluation.
Destabilized medial meniscus model of OA
Osteoarthritis was created in mice using a well-established method by DMM (64). To perform DMM, the right stifle (knee) of all mice was injured as previously described (64). Briefly, an approximately 3-mm longitudinal incision was made using a #15 blade overlying the distal patella of the right hindlimb to the proximal tibial plateau (64). Following medial parapatellar arthrotomy, the infrapatellar fat pad (IFP) was temporarily repositioned laterally, allowing access to the anterior medial meniscotibial ligament, which anchors the medial meniscus to the tibial plateau. This ligament was severed using a #11 scalpel blade. The IFP was repositioned, and the incision closed using 6-0 monofilament absorbable suture in simple interrupted pattern. Contralateral limbs served as naïve controls.
Gait and activity monitoring to assess OA severity
Mice were monitored prior to and for 3 weeks following intra- articular injection by two methods: individual cage monitoring and Digigait treadmill-based analysis. To determine general animal behavior and mobility, each mouse underwent individual cage monitoring for 10 minutes weekly during the experimental time-course. In all cases, animals were placed in their resident cage with their environmental enrichment hut for the duration of the assessment. Animals were acclimated to the system over 1 week, after which one baseline measurement was collected immediately before the start of the study. Animals received testing on days 7, 14, and 21 following intra-articular injection. Training and data collection occurred randomly among animals during the same time of day (8 am–12 pm) and involved the same handlers. The video analysis software (ANY-mazeTM, Wood Dale, IL, USA) automatically collected mobility parameters including total distance traveled, mean speed, time in hut, and entries to the top of hut. Parameters of interest were accessed both (I) cross-sectionally among groups normalized to pre-DMM surgery baseline and (II) longitudinally overtime.
Animals were monitored for gait abnormalities using the Digigait analysis system (Mouse Specifics, Inc., Framingham, MA, USA) (15). Briefly, animals were placed on a treadmill at 35 cm/s (flat or 10° inclined; three runs per time point for each grade) and video recorded for analysis. Animals were acclimated to the system over 1 week, during which baseline was collected in triplicate at one timepoint immediately prior to starting the study. Subsequent DigiGait data collection occurred on days 7, 14, and 21 following intra-articular injection. Animal testing order was randomly selected at each timepoint for data acquisition and testing occurred during the same time of day (1 pm–4 pm) and involved the same handlers. Data processing was performed using Digigait software. Parameters evaluated included % swing stride, % stance stride, % brake stride, and % propel stride. Parameters of interest were accessed both (I) cross-sectionally among groups normalized to pre-DMM surgery baseline and (II) longitudinally overtime.
Joint histology and immunohistochemistry
Twenty-eight days after surgery, knee/stifle joints were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin for 24 h, followed by decalcification in ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) and paraffin embedding. Sections (5 µm) were taken from the center of the medial tibial plateau and stained with toluidine blue. Histological grading of joint tissues was conducted using established criteria for OA and were completed by two blinded, independent individuals trained in using this scoring method (65). Briefly, joint tissues were semi-quantitatively graded for osteoarthritic damage including cartilage fibrillation, and cartilage loss including clefts/erosions and calcification, in addition to synovitis and proteoglycan content for the whole joint and medial and lateral joint compartments (65).
NanoString analysis of immune transcriptomes of stifle tissues
RNA was harvested from formalin fixed, paraffin embedded articular cartilage tissues from both the medial and lateral tibia and femurs of study animals using Qiagen RNeasy formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) kit following manufacturer’s instructions. Samples from tissues of n=4 male mice per group (no treatment, BMAC, and RBC-depleted BMAC) were randomly selected for evaluation by NanoString analysis using a mouse immune panel (NanoString nCounter Murine Immunology Panel (catalog number XT-CSO-MIM1-12). Prior to analysis by NanoString, RNA quality and quantity were assessed by NanoDrop spectrophotometry and integrity evaluated by Agilent TapeStation. All RNA samples analyzed contained RNA molecules in size >200 nucleotides or larger exceeding 50% of total RNA (66). Analysis of transcript abundance and statistical significance was performed with the nCounter Analysis Flex software and with Partek® Flow® Genomics Analysis software v10.0 (Partek Inc., Chesterfield, MO, USA).
Statistical analysis
The experimental sample size for the in vivo study was calculated using GPower Version 3.1.1 (1). An a-priori power analysis was conducted from pilot gait data (stride length) obtained using this injury model in mice. To account for biological variability related to sex, both male and female mice were analyzed. Originally, statistics were run to stratify sex; however, no significant differences were seen (P>0.05). Therefore, the sexes were combined (10 animals per time-point), leaving time as the main factor of interest. Cross-sectional data was normalized to baseline values and were compared using repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey’s correction. Longitudinal data were compared using repeated-measures ANOVA with Dunnett’s correction; each timepoint was compared to baseline values. Histological scoring at end-term was evaluated using a one-way non-parametric ANOVA (Kruskal-Wallis test) with Dunn’s multiple comparisons test. Statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad Prism v9.3.1 (GraphPad Software Inc., La Jolla, CA, USA). Significance for overhead enclosure monitoring was assessed at P<0.1. The outcomes utilized P<0.05 (67).
Gene expression count data and fold changes were analyzed via nSolver software, using housekeeping gene normalization without background thresholding or subtraction. Figures were generated using Partek Flow v10 (Partek Inc.). Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were generated using ANOVA with multiple test correction. Panther database ( was used to categorize genes and define molecular functions and biological processes (68,69).
Macrophage responses to BMAC and impact of RBC depletion on inflammatory cytokine production
Initial studies were done using in vitro assays to assess the relative inflammation inducing properties of BMAC, and to determine whether RBC depletion modulated any inflammatory effects of BMAC. These studies were conducted using AMJ macrophages as the readout for inflammatory responses, as we have previously used this cell line as a sensitive indicator of immune responses in vitro (70). To assess inflammatory responses, macrophages were incubated with BMAC cells or RBC-depleted BMAC cells (adjusted to add equivalent numbers of nucleated cells for each cell population) and incubated for 48 h. At this time, the release of pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-α was assessed by ELISA, using cell culture supernatants. We observed that BMAC stimulated significant production of TNF-α compared to resting AMJ macrophages (P=0.0001), and that RBC-depleted BMAC stimulated significantly less TNF-α than non-depleted BMAC (P<0.0001) (Figure 1). These results indicated that RBC depletion had the potential to significantly reduce the inherent inflammatory properties of BMAC in vivo, and to improve overall treatment outcomes for BMAC treatment of established OA.

Comparison of functional impact of treatment with BMAC or RBC-depleted BMAC in mice with induced OA
The in vitro findings (above) indicated that RBC depletion might reduce BMAC inflammation, but the critical question was whether this effect would also translate to greater improvement in overall joint function in the case of established OA. To assess functional improvement, both activity monitoring and gait analysis were employed.
Voluntary activity was monitored in animals with DMM-induced OA (no-injection control, BMAC-treated, and RBC-depleted BMAC-treated) using the ANY-mazeTM overhead cage monitoring software (Figure 2). When cross-sectional data was normalized to pre-DMM surgery baseline values, mice treated with RBC-depleted BMAC exhibited increased distance traveled (Figure 2A, P=0.05) and mean speed (Figure 2C, P=0.04) compared to no treatment control animals at day 27 post-DMM surgery. Additionally, RBC-depleted BMAC animals spent less time in their security huts at day 27 post-surgery relative to no-injection controls (Figure 2E, P=0.09). Both BMAC (Figure 2G, P=0.03) and RBC-depleted BMAC animals (Figure 2G, P=0.05) showed an increase in their top of hut entries at day 27 compared to no-injection control animals, indicating greater willingness to propel off their operated hindlimbs. This effect could reflect several processes, including reduction of intra-articular inflammation and/or improved cartilage integrity. Longitudinal data is provided (Figure 2B,2D,2F,2H); within group differences out to day 28 were not a significant finding.

We next assessed the impact of BMAC treatment and RBC depletion on gait in animals with OA. These analyses were done using the Digigait® controlled treadmill walking system, which focused on parameters of interest at 35 cm/s at both a 10-degree incline (Figure 3) and on a flat surface (Figure S1). Results in the manuscript proper are depicted from animals evaluated at a 10-degree incline both (I) cross-sectionally among groups, normalized to pre-DMM surgery baseline Digigait values (Figure 3A,3C,3E,3G) and (II) longitudinally overtime (Figure 3B,3D,3F,3H).

The first parameter evaluated was %swing stride. Mice treated with either BMAC or RBC-lysed BMAC trended toward having a lower %swing stride compared to non-injected controls at day 27 (Figure 2A; P=0.07 and P=0.09, respectively). When longitudinal data were assessed, only non-injected controls demonstrated an increased %swing stride from baseline by day 27 (Figure 3B, P=0.04).
When %stance stride was evaluated, BMAC treated animals trended towards a cross-sectional increase at day 27 compared to the non-injected group (Figure 2C; P=0.07). Longitudinal data confirmed that no-injection control animals showed a decreased %stance stride compared to baseline by day 27 (Figure 3D; P=0.04).
The %stance stride was further broken down into %brake stride and %propel stride. %Brake stride refers to the portion of the step from initial touchdown onto the belt until the maximum amount of the paws area is touching the belt. %Propel stride refers to the portion of the step beginning when the maximum amount of the paw is touching the belt until the paw is lifted off the belt. No differences were noted for %brake stride between or among groups at day 27 (Figure 3E,3F). In contrast, no-injection animals showed a longitudinal decrease in %propel stride at day 27 post-injury (Figure 2G; P=0.01); this group also trended toward decreased %propel stride from both BMAC and RBC-lysed BMAC animals at day 27 (Figure 2H; P=0.05 and P=0.08, respectively).
Impact of BMAC treatment on cartilage integrity
We next evaluated the impact of BMAC treatment on joint pathology, with a particular focus on articular cartilage integrity. Joint tissues were collected from the three treatment groups at day 28 after OA was induced in the DMM model. Images from these studies are depicted in Figure 4. In untreated animals with DMM-induced OA there was: (I) loss of proteoglycan, synovitis, and fibrillations and/or clefts on the cartilage surface in the medial compartments (Figure 4D); and (II) small fibrillations and loss of proteoglycan on the lateral surfaces (Figure 4G). In contrast, BMAC treated animals showed fewer fibrillations and relatively maintained proteoglycan within both the medial and lateral compartments (Figure 4E,4H). In animals treated with RBC-depleted BMAC, there was improved proteoglycan content and decreased OA progression in both the medial and lateral compartments compared to the other groups (Figure 4F,4I).

These histologic changes were quantified using the recommended Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) scoring system. RBC-lysed BMAC animals demonstrated a decreased whole joint OARSI score compared to no-injection control animals and trended towards a decreased score relative to BMAC treated animals (Figure 5A; P=0.0115 and P=0.0693, respectively). Additionally, decreased synovitis was seen in the RBC-lysed BMAC animals compared to no-injection control animals or BMAC treatment (Figure 5B; P=0.0007 and P=0.0336, respectively). As expected with the DMM mouse PTOA model, the majority of OA changes were noted within the medial compartment of the joint rather than the lateral portion. As such, the OARSI scores for the medial compartment were improved for the RBC-lysed BMAC animals compared to no-injection control or BMAC animals (Figure 5C; P=0.0003 and P=0.0086, respectively), with similar changes noted in the medial compartment proteoglycan scores (Figure 5D; P=0.0003 and P=0.0185, respectively). No differences among groups for the lateral compartment were seen for the OARSI (Figure 5E) or proteoglycan scores (Figure 5F). Additional scored and individual OARSI parameters are listed in Figure S2.

Impact of RBC depletion on joint immune transcriptome responses to BMAC injection
To better understand how BMAC injections affected the overall immune transcriptome of the joint, RNA was extracted from FFPE joint tissues, and analyzed using a NanoString panel (Murine Immune panel, catalog #XT-CSO-MIM1-12) to broadly examine multiple immune pathways. Using these data, we first assessed the degree of relatedness of three study populations (complete BMAC, RBC-depleted BMAC, and no-injection groups). Principal component analysis (PCA) of the three study populations showed distinct clustering patterns (Figure 6A).

Comparison of RBC-depleted BMAC to no-injection control animals demonstrated significant upregulation of 15 genes and downregulation of 18 genes (significance defined as fold change ≥2 or P value ≤0.05) (Figure 6B). The 10 most upregulated and downregulated genes are shown in Figure 6C with full expression shown in online tables (available at:
Comparison of complete BMAC injection to no-injection control animals yielded fewer significantly upregulated (n=3) genes and downregulated (n=25) genes (Figure 6D). The most up- and downregulated genes are listed in Figure 6E with full expression provided in online tables (available at:
Differential gene expression analysis [gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA)] was done to compare the genes up-and down-regulated BMAC treatment. These analyses identified 33 DEGs (upregulation of n=15, downregulation of n=18 genes) in animals treated with RBC-lysed BMAC compared to untreated animals (Figure 6B) and 28 DEGs in animals treated with BMAC compared to non-treated animals (Figure 6C). In contrast, when RBC-depleted BMAC treated animals were compared to BMAC treated animals, we found 50 DEGs (upregulation of n=44, downregulation of n=6 genes) [Figure 7A, full expression provided in online tables (available at:]. A heat map was generated of the significantly expressed DEGs in BMAC, RBC-depleted BMAC and untreated animals (Figure 7B).

To help visualize exactly how treatment with RBC-depleted BMAC impacted immune transcriptomes in the joint compared to BMAC treatment or untreated animals, a Venn diagram was generated (Figure 7C). After eliminating overlapping DEGs that were altered in BMAC group, 48 genes remained; 19/48 genes also demonstrated differential expression when comparing RBC-depleted to untreated joint groups. Full differential gene expression lists are provided in online tables (available at: Discovery of genes that were uniquely altered in the RBC-depleted BMAC treated joints, compared to either BMAC treatment or no treatment, indicating the RBC removal uncovers other immune modulatory properties of BMAC that are obscured by RBC-induced inflammation.
Bone marrow aspirate concentrate products have demonstrated therapeutic potential in preclinical models of OA and clinically in various musculoskeletal disorders (27,31). The most notable finding of the present work was that removal of erythrocytes from BMAC improved treatment of OA in a murine model. This was illustrated via significant increases in cage monitoring parameters (distance traveled, mean speed, time in hut, entries to top of hut zone) and gait parameters (lower %swing stride, higher %propel stride) at day 27 in RBC-lysed BMAC treated mice compared to no-injection control mice. Importantly, treatment with RBC-depleted BMAC also significantly improved cartilage integrity compared to control animals. These findings add to the body of literature regarding the use of regenerative therapies in the treatment of OA as well as the deleterious effects of hemarthrosis, specifically the negative influence of erythrocytes on synovial tissues, supporting previous work demonstrating blood-induced joint damage was associated with increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and cartilage degradation (35-56). Thus, our study findings indicate that the overall effectiveness of BMAC therapy for OA can be significantly improved by RBC depletion prior to intra-articular injection.
While it has been previously noted that BMAC preparations can induce inflammatory responses in patients (3), this is the first study to our knowledge to demonstrate that the presence of RBCs in BMAC may have deleterious effects on joint healing and functional improvement. Given that it is nearly impossible to avoid blood contamination of BMAC using conventional aspiration techniques, our findings indicate that direct RBC elimination (by lysing) is necessary to fully remove RBCs. It is also possible to remove RBCs from bone marrow aspirates by Ficoll density separation, but this technique requires biosafety cabinets, considerable manual dexterity, and laboratory centrifuges to perform. Thus, a closed system using RBC lysis with agents such as ACK would be preferable for the direct to bedside use of autologous BMAC for treatment of orthopedic injuries and OA.
Pain and loss of mobility are the primary reasons people seek treatment for OA (71). As pain is a chief complaint for OA, tracking behavior and mobility changes are important aspects of post-traumatic OA treatment models to assess. Open-field testing, or cage monitoring can be an effective method to obtain objective research data on behavior and mobility measures (72). Cage monitoring systems, such as ANY-mazeTM, can track rodents within a designated area to view post-injury behavior and mobility differences compared to baseline. By 27-days post-DMM surgery, animals injected with RBC-lysed BMAC demonstrated increased activity, as seen by a greater distance traveled and overall mean speed, compared to untreated mice. Additionally, RBC-lysed BMAC treated animals spent less time in their security hut. This altered mobility may imply a potential difference in pain or clinical responses among groups. Of note, both RBC-lysed BMAC and complete BMAC treated animals showed increased entries to the top of hut zone by day 27 post-DMM surgery. Climbing requires use of the hind limbs, and as such, a willingness to enter the top of hut, indicating a maintained ability to utilize the hind limb despite injury. Importantly, similar to our results, intra-articular autologous BMAC injections have been shown clinically in humans to decrease pain, increase functionality and knee related quality of life, along with increasing patient physical function (4). These improvements have been seen in multiple studies out to 12 months post-injection (73,74).
Gait analysis systems can be an effective way to assess mobility and function (75). As rodents tend to walk with balanced symmetrical gait, alterations in gait can be indicative of pain and/or an attempt to protect the injured limb (76). As such, these deviations from a symmetrical gait can be used as an indicator of pain (77). To the authors’ knowledge, there have been no other studies that have utilized treadmill walking in the evaluation of BMAC injections in rodents. Inclined treadmill running was prioritized over flat running to pose a greater challenge to the mice at this relatively early timepoint. Animals running on an inclined surface are required to work against gravity, increase muscle work and combat a “toppling moment” or the forces that may cause an animal to fall down the surface (78). Notably, both the complete and RBC-lysed BMAC animals maintained gait parameters similar to baseline by day 27 post-DMM surgery. In contrast, by day 27 post-DMM surgery, gait parameters in the no-injection control animals varied the most from their preoperative baseline. Specifically, no-injection animals were less inclined to put their foot down on the belt, and in the short period their foot was on the belt, they were less likely to propel off that foot into their next step. Overall, no-injection animals demonstrated a modulated gait during controlled treadmill movement by day 27 post-DMM surgery compared to pre-surgery baseline levels.
Histopathology findings demonstrated significant improvement in mice treated with RBC-depleted BMAC compared to untreated animals or those treated with BMAC. By 28 days post-DMM surgery, no-injection animals showed expected PTOA progression based on previously published work (64). DMM surgery demonstrated increased OA progression on the medial aspect of the joint compared to the lateral portion of both the tibia and femur (64). For this reason, improvements in OA scores are most expected in the medial aspects, as seen in this study. Importantly, RBC-lysed BMAC demonstrated decreased whole joint OARSI scores compared to both the no-injection control and complete BMAC treated animals. Similar to reported DMM models, osteophytes and patellar dislocation were not present in any of our mice (64). Proteoglycan is one of the major components of the extracellular cartilage matrix. It is important for binding water to increase compressive load, but also to store a variety of factors including chemokines, cytokines and growth factors. Importantly, our RBC-lysed BMAC treated animals demonstrated a decreased proteoglycan score, implying improved proteoglycan health and integrity, compared to either the complete BMAC treated animals or no-injection controls. Notably, animals treated with RBC-lysed BMAC demonstrated decreased synovitis scores compared to either no-injection control animals or complete BMAC treated animals. Of note, in humans treated with bone marrow mononuclear cells, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed 63% of patients had improvements in synovitis and 57% showed improvements in bone marrow edema (79). Importantly, future use of RBC-lysed BMAC, rather than complete BMAC, may improve prognosis and therapeutic potential in both human and animal clinical OA patients.
Comparison of DEGs between treatment groups demonstrated that 19 genes were found to be directly related to the removal of RBCs from BMAC. Several gene signatures emerged as being particularly important to resolution of inflammation in the joint environment. For example, IL1RN [interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IRAP)] was upregulated in the RBC-depleted BMAC treated samples. IL1RN has long been used to treat OA (80) and slows the rate of disease progression by blocking interleukin (IL)-1 induced inflammation and loss of synovial structural integrity (81,82) The most highly upregulated gene within specific to removal of RBCs was IL-19, which exhibits anti-inflammatory characteristics through polarization of local t-cells and macrophages, as well as decreasing inflammatory monocyte infiltration through decreased CCR2 expression (83). The HSC marker CD34 was also upregulated following RBC removal, indicative of likely increased survival of bone marrow stem cells (HSC) within the injected joints. It is not clear at this time the role that HSC may play in recovery of joint health, but their role bears investigation.
Finally, upregulation of musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma (MAF) and PD-L2 genes were noted in mice receiving RBC-depleted BMAC (but not in BMAC-treated animals), both of which are important in suppressing tissue inflammation. Molecular patterns in the joint after the removal of erythrocytes also indicated decreased expression of several genes, specifically S100a8, TNFRSF1B and CCR2, which have been linked to the degradation levels of cartilage and bone. S100a8 has been associated to bone erosion and decreased collagen deposition (84-86). TNFRSF1B is a transmembrane receptor in the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily that has been associated with inflammation in OA joints and reduced cartilage repair processes (87). CCR2, a receptor for monocyte chemotaxis, limits the inflammatory monocyte influx when reduced; ablation of CCR2 has been previously shown to decrease joint pain in mouse OA models (88). In summary, the transcriptome analysis revealed that removal of RBCs from BMAC significantly reduced joint inflammatory responses, including upregulation of genes associated with reduction of joint inflammation. Treatment with BMAC by contrast induced upregulated expression of a number of pro-inflammatory genes, and reduced expression of genes associated with cartilage healing.
Caveats to this study are worthy of mentioning, including the use of only one BMAC cell concentration for injection and the relatively short 28-day study duration. While significant differences in gait parameters were seen between treatment groups by day 27, additional information may have been gained by allowing OA to progress for a more prolonged period. In. addition, both male and female animals were pooled for analysis in this study after no changes were seen with preliminary analysis utilizing sex as a factor. However, previous studies have shown that gender can be an important influencer of disease progression in rodent models of OA (63). The study also employed a single BMAC injection whereas repeated injections may have demonstrated greater improvement (83,84). Examination of the major cell fractions present in BMAC may also yield further insights into the mechanism(s) of action and lead to further optimization of the BMAC approach.
In summary, findings of this study demonstrated that removal of erythrocytes from BMAC improved outcomes in a mouse model of OA, as reflected by improvements in mobility, gait analysis, and histologic parameters compared to treatment with BMAC or no treatment. Indeed, a consistent treatment benefit from complete BMAC in this animal model was not seen, particularly compared to findings demonstrated by RBC-depleted BMAC. Mechanistic studies suggested that RBC-depleted BMAC may have exhibited greater disease modification through reduced induction of pro-inflammatory cytokine expression from synovial macrophages and downregulation of inflammatory gene expression from joint tissues. Consideration therefore should be given to routine RBC removal when using BMAC, to improve efficacy and reduce inflammation and adverse events associated with injection. Further investigation of fractionated BMAC for improved treatment of OA is warranted.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of staff of the Laboratory of Animal Resources at Colorado State University and undergraduate and veterinary students who assisted with data collection.
Funding: Support for this work was provided by Animal Health and Disease (No. 19HMFPXXXXG039150001) from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Carolyn Quan and Porter Bennett Foundation, NIH/NCATS CTSA 5TL1TR002533-02, NIH 5T32OD010437-19, and Colorado State University Veterinary Summer Scholars Program USDA Animal Health and Disease Fellowship.
Reporting Checklist: The authors have completed the ARRIVE reporting checklist. Available at
Data Sharing Statement: Available at
Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at LMP reports that support for this work was provided by Animal Health and Disease (No. 19HMFPXXXXG039150001) from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Carolyn Quan and Porter Bennett, NIH/NCATS CTSA 5TL1TR002533-02, NIH 5T32OD010437-19, and Colorado State University Veterinary Summer Scholars Program USDA Animal Health and Disease Fellowship. LMP reports that a provisional patent has been filed covering the fractionated bone marrow aspirate product described herein. LMP serves as a member of the advisory team for EqCell Inc., and has stock options in EqCell Inc. LC reports that a provisional patent has been filed covering the fractionated bone marrow aspirate product described herein. SD reports that a provisional patent has been filed covering the fractionated bone marrow aspirate product described herein and that he is a cofounder (without revenue) of a virtual startup company developing an unrelated cellular therapeutic product for treatment of chronic wound infections. The other authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Ethical Statement: The authors are accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. This study was approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at Colorado State University (IACUC protocol #1017) and conducted according to the national guidelines under which the institution operates, and NIH Guidelines for the Care of Use of Laboratory Animals (8th edition).
Open Access Statement: This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which permits the non-commercial replication and distribution of the article with the strict proviso that no changes or edits are made and the original work is properly cited (including links to both the formal publication through the relevant DOI and the license). See:
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