Enhancing circadian rhythms—the circadian MEGA bundle as novel approach to treat critical illness
Review Article

Enhancing circadian rhythms—the circadian MEGA bundle as novel approach to treat critical illness

Meghan Prin1^, Júlia Bertazzo1, Lori A. Walker2, Benjamin Scott1, Tobias Eckle1,2^

1Department of Anesthesiology, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, USA; 2Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, USA

Contributions: (I) Conception and design: T Eckle; (II) Administrative support: None; (III) Provision of study materials or patients: None; (IV) Collection and assembly of data: None; (V) Data analysis and interpretation: None; (VI) Manuscript writing: All authors; (VII) Final approval of manuscript: All authors.

^ORCID: Meghan Prin, 0000-0002-2886-4666; Tobias Eckle, 0000-0002-6065-4669.

Correspondence to: Tobias Eckle, MD, PhD. Professor of Anesthesiology, Department of Anesthesiology, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, 12700 E 19th Avenue, Mailstop B112, RC 2, Room 7121, Aurora, CO 80045, USA; Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, USA. Email: tobias.eckle@cuanschutz.edu.

Abstract: Circadian rhythms are essential to physiological homeostasis, but often disrupted in the intensive care unit (ICU) due to the absence of natural zeitgebers and exposure to treatments which affect circadian regulators. This is increasingly recognized as a contributor to morbidity and mortality across a variety of medical conditions including critical illness. Maintenance of circadian rhythms is particularly relevant to critically ill patients, who are restricted not only to the ICU environment but often bed bound. Circadian rhythms have been evaluated in several ICU studies, but effective therapies to maintain, restore, or amplify circadian rhythms have not been fully established yet. Circadian entrainment and circadian amplitude enhancement are integral to patients’ overall health and well-being, and likely even more important during response to and recovery from critical illness. In fact, studies have shown that enhancing the amplitude of circadian cycles has significant beneficial effects on health and wellbeing. In this review, we discuss up-to-date literature on novel circadian mechanism that could not only restore but enhance circadian rhythms in critical illness by using a MEGA bundle consisting of intense light therapy each morning, cyclic nutrition support, timed physical therapy, nighttime melatonin administration, morning administration of circadian rhythm amplitude enhancers, cyclic temperature control and a nocturnal sleep hygiene bundle.

Keywords: Circadian; amplitude; critical; illness; bundle

Submitted Oct 17, 2022. Accepted for publication May 30, 2023. Published online Jun 09, 2023.

doi: 10.21037/atm-22-5127


Sunlight, and the day-night cycles it creates on Earth, underlies the evolutionary biochemistry of all living organisms (1-4). During the past two decades, research has begun to clarify the crucial role of the molecular circadian clock in human physiology, and conversely, the impact of circadian disruptions on disease development and severity (5). Research on circadian rhythms has particularly increased within the realm of critical care medicine, which addresses the care of patients admitted to the hospital with life-threatening organ dysfunction. These patients are often confined to the intensive care unit (ICU) for weeks, and their circadian rhythms are affected by the severity of their illness, the chaotic ICU environment, and therapeutic interventions which may occur at any time, day or night. Restoring circadian homeostasis has the potential to improve ICU clinical outcomes, but optimal therapeutic strategies have yet to be elucidated (6).

Research to date has centered on two important concepts: circadian disruption on the one hand, and circadian amplitude enhancement on the other (Figure 1). Circadian disruption refers to changes in the timing of biological rhythms at the cellular level (e.g., changes in expression of clock genes), the tissue/organ level (e.g., changes in the timing of melatonin release from the pineal gland), and/or the behavioral level (e.g., jet lag leading to changes in sleep timing and quality). These disruptions are known to occur due to changes in light signaling, although other causes are likely. Circadian disruptions may encompass phase shifts or changes in circadian amplitude; the exact mechanisms are not fully understood. Nevertheless, circadian disruption can have profound adverse metabolic consequences (7) and lead to diabetes (8), obesity (9), cardiovascular diseases (10), gastrointestinal disorders (11), impaired immune function (5) and depression (12).

Figure 1 Circadian rhythms amplitude disruption, restoration, and amplification.

Circadian amplitude enhancement refers to increasing the peak and the trough of a circadian cycle. Circadian amplitude enhancement has been associated with improved health, including reversal of a metabolic syndrome (13) and protection from myocardial ischemia (14). However, while research has not elucidated the mechanism behind circadian amplitude enhancement (15), strategies to enhance the circadian amplitude have been well established. Most of the time clinicians and researchers would not make the connection though. A classic example is timed exercise (16) or timed fastening (17). Surprisingly, many circadian amplitude enhancing strategies have never been tested in a clinical environment.

The global burden of critical illness and resulting need for ICU beds is anticipated to increase in coming decades (18), highlighting the importance of research to mitigate the dangers of the ICU environment and improve clinical outcomes for critically ill patients. Developing frameworks for care and therapeutic interventions through a circadian lens may provide a new angle for the future of critical care research.

Genetic underpinnings of circadian rhythms

A key feature of the circadian system is light synchronization (2,19), with sunlight as the dominant zeitgeber, or timekeeper. Zeitgebers synchronize the human circadian clock to the environment and maintain the 24-hour period. In fact, the human circadian clock is predominantly entrained by sun time rather than by social time (20). Sunlight activates retinal melanopsin receptors and signals the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) via the retinohypothalamic tract. In the SCN, the signal is transmitted to the molecular clockwork (21). Without diurnal light signals, biological systems revert to an internal free-running clock, which is generally slightly longer than the 24-hour day and eventually fades in amplitude and periodicity over time (22). As anyone who has taken a long flight and then experienced the insomnia of jet lag will recognize, disruption of the circadian cycle can lead to changes in physiologic function.

Given that more than half of the protein-coding genome is rhythmic (23), circadian rhythms play an important role in almost all facets of human physiology (24-28) and accordingly, many pathophysiologic disease states also follow circadian cycles. For example, epidemiological data reveal that adverse cardiovascular events, including myocardial infarction (29), ventricular arrhythmias (30), and sudden cardiac death (31) all occur predominantly in the morning. Moreover, circadian disruption most likely contributes to disease progression and disease severity. While circadian disruption caused by, e.g., night shift work, can increase the incidence of cardiovascular events, original research indicated that night shift contributed to the disruption of circadian protein expression in breast tissue suggesting a contribution to cancer development. Indeed, it is now established that disruption of circadian rhythms plays a key role in tumorigenesis and facilitates the development of cancer (32-38) and that pharmacological modulators of the circadian clock could be potentially therapeutic (39). Here, circadian-based treatments could modulate the pharmacological ability of anti-cancer drugs towards improving therapeutic outcomes and be potentially incorporated into clinical trials for treatment optimization and improved patient survival. In fact, the circadian clock informs about the optimal timing and dosing of the drug, which is novel when compared to traditional pharmacotherapy. In addition, it has been found that a circadian rhythm-related genes-based scoring system can help to assess the prognosis of patients with lung adenocarcinoma (40). Another critical role of the circadian clock is to coordinate functions of the immune system (41-47). Thus, the physiology of immune cells, host-parasite interactions, inflammatory processes, or adaptive immune responses are time-of-day dependent (43).

Basic science research has contributed greatly to our current understanding of circadian rhythmicity and disease states, namely through the identification of a variety of genes, proteins, and transcription factors associated with circadian regulation. The circadian clock protein, period circadian regulator 2 (PER2), for example, is directly induced by light exposure (48). Murine models have shown that PER2 is not only involved in day-night cycles, but also endothelial function. Endothelial cells of Per2-knockout mice have decreased endothelial nitric oxide synthase activation, which has been associated with aortic endothelial dysfunction, impaired blood flow recovery, and increased risk of auto-amputation after hind limb ischemia in mice (49). Endothelial-specific Per2 knockout animals also showed increased vascular permeability and larger infarct sizes following myocardial ischemia (14). Some of these findings were attributed to impaired endothelial progenitor cell function as a result of the PER2 knockout (49). Murine models have further shown that the transcription factor CLOCK is one of the key components of circadian regulation within pacemaker neurons of the hypothalamic SCN. Interestingly, deletion of the CLOCK gene results in hyperphagia and obesity, leading to a metabolic syndrome of hyperleptinemia, hyperlipidemia, hepatic steatosis, hyperglycemia, and hypoinsulinemia (50).

While genetic data from mice are abundant, genetic studies on circadian rhythmicity and disease states in humans are less common. The existing literature confirms what has been shown in murine models, namely that circadian clock genes exert effects not just on behavior (e.g., sleep) but also key elements of homeostasis. For example, genetic studies revealed that polymorphisms in the PER2 gene are associated with an increased risk for type 2 diabetes and arterial hypertension (51,52). Genome-wide association studies have demonstrated that melatonin, a hormone used as a marker of the circadian phase, may be involved in blood glucose regulation (53). Table 1 summarizes known single nucleotide polymorphism in circadian rhythms genes and their association with diseases development in humans. Regardless, synchronization to a diurnal schedule is key to human homeostasis, and this is regulated through a complex set of genetic and molecular clocks. Indeed, if circadian rhythms are disrupted, e.g., via sleep deprivation, a diabetic phenotype (8), weight gain (9), changes in body composition, melatonin levels, and insulin resistance (71) can be found in healthy volunteers and most likely contributes to disease development in critical ill patients.

Table 1

Associations with selected SNPs from circadian rhythms regulating genes in humans

Gene Association with human diseases References
CLOCK Energy intake, metabolic syndrome, obesity, overweight, BMI, type-2 diabetes, coronary heart disease related dyslipidemia, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (54-59)
BMAL1/ARNTL Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, seasonal affective disorder, metabolic syndrome (60,61)
CRY1 Insulin resistance, type-2 diabetes (62,63)
CRY2 Type-2 diabetes, fasting glucose, glucose metabolism, HDL cholesterol (64-67)
PER1 Hepatocellular carcinoma (68)
PER2 Type-2 diabetes, high fasting blood glucose (63,69)
NPAS2 Hypertension (69)
MTNR1B Gestational diabetes mellitus, type-2 diabetes, fasting glucose, hemoglobin A1C, insulin resistance, birth weight, obesity-related traits (64,70)

SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism; BMI, body mass index; HDL, high-density lipoprotein.

Circadian amplitude enhancement

Circadian entrainment to diurnal light cycles is imperative to physiologic health, as described above. However, synchronization with external zeitgebers is not the only contributor to circadian health. Recent studies have shown that enhancing the amplitude of circadian cycles has significant effects on health and wellbeing (2,3,72-75). In contrast, dampening of the circadian amplitude is a part of the natural aging process with associated decline in organ function (76). Interventions that amplify circadian rhythms are still a nascent area of research but include light exposure and cyclical feeding amongst others.

Exposure to bright light amplifies PER2 expression in both mice and humans (14). Although this amplitude enhancement likely has multiple effects throughout the body, the literature thus far demonstrates decisively that bright light exposure and associated circadian amplitude enhancement mitigates cardiac injury after ischemia, protects from lung injury or completely resolves a metabolic syndrome in mice (13,14,77). This amplitude enhancement is dependent on the retina-melanopsin signaling pathway as it is abolished in blind mice (14,77). In contrast, cyclical feeding schedules also amplify circadian amplitude and improve physiologic function but do not rely on light signaling (78). For example, time-restricted feeding without reduction in caloric intake protected against excessive weight gain, adverse cardiac events, and improved sleep quality in mouse and fruit fly models (79-81). Indeed, human studies have confirmed that timed or restricted meals promote weight loss and improvement in energy metabolism (82).

Circadian disruption in critical illness

Multiorgan dysfunction defines most critical illness, and it is somewhat obvious that physiologic homeostasis and circadian rhythmicity is disrupted in this context. The hospital and ICU environment are also culprits for circadian disruption, given the constant ambient light and noise and around-the-clock nursing interventions. It is difficult to distinguish which causes more harm, the illness, or the intervention, but first we must demonstrate that circadian cycles are indeed disrupted in critical illness. Almost all circadian studies focusing on critical illness have occurred over the past two decades, and most use either actigraphy monitoring or melatonin levels as surrogates for circadian cycles; this may not be sufficient. Recent transcriptomic work has shown that gene expression patterns rapidly (within 24 hours) become abnormal during critical illness compared to healthy controls, but these patterns were not detectable in actigraphy or melatonin levels (83). Transcriptomic studies have demonstrated that critical illness is both a cause and a product of circadian misalignment. Interventions to restore and amplify circadian rhythms should be employed as early as possible in the disease course to avoid downstream complications and should target both the illness and the environment. Interventions in critical illness that have been mainly investigated to date include intense light therapy, melatonin, and sleep support.

Intense light therapy

Given our species’ dependence on sunlight, light cycling seems an obvious target to improve the ICU environment and patients’ circadian rhythmicity. Light must be at least 180 lux (i.e., the light level typically encountered in public stairwells) to entrain the human circadian system (84), and intense light (>10,000 lux, i.e., ambient sunlight) is most effective. For reference, direct sunlight ranges from 32,000 to 100,000 lux on Earth, indicating that most humans are light deprived in their modern environment.

There have been numerous studies of light cycling in the ICU environment to improve clinical outcomes. Many of these studies have focused on entraining circadian physiology to improve neurocognitive outcomes such as delirium. Outcomes have been mixed. While some studies have found that bright-light therapy reduced the incidence of postoperative delirium among ICU patients (85,86), others have not confirmed this association (87,88). The discordance could be explained by study design. Most studies of bright-light therapy in the ICU have been small and single-center; the study populations and primary outcomes are heterogeneous; the light therapy varies in both wavelength (i.e., blue component) and intensity (from 300 lux to >10,000 lux) and is applied in different time intervals and increments. Finally, no data exist which shows that light therapy is in fact effective in patients. In fact, a robust lab value which could be monitored to demonstrate effectiveness of light therapy has still to be established.

Neurocognitive outcomes also may not be the best metric of circadian physiology and other targets should be considered. Studies on healthy human subjects may help to identify appropriate clinical outcome metrics. In a prospective study, healthy human volunteers were exposed to 30 min of intense light or normal room light in the morning on 5 consecutive days and a blood and buccal tissue sample were taken after light therapy each day. Intense light therapy increased PER2 protein levels in both plasma and buccal tissue at both 9am and 9pm. The evening increase in PER2 levels was greater, which suggests that PER2 induction is possible hours after intense light therapy and that the circadian amplitude may have been increased (14). Plasma melatonin levels and triglycerides were also suppressed by intense light therapy in comparison to controls (14). A targeted metabolomics screen from these human plasma samples was performed to better characterize the effects of intense light on human metabolism. These studies found that intense light regulated intermediates of glycolysis and the Krebs cycle, indicating that light improved glucose metabolism (14). Given the known correlation between sleep quality and insulin sensitivity (75), light therapy may improve both sleep and glucose control. Future ICU research may utilize these clinical outcomes in addition to neurocognitive disorders. While bright-light therapy likely has some promise as a circadian restoration or amplification technique, the literature does not yet support its routine use in the ICU and remains insufficient to guide specific therapeutic interventions.

Melatonin therapy

Melatonin has long been considered the gold standard to measure circadian rhythms in humans, e.g., the measurement of the dim light melatonin onset is key to diagnose circadian phase and related sleep disorders (89). As circadian rhythms are disrupted in critical illness, so is melatonin cycling (90). Meta-analyses of clinical trials have suggested that melatonin therapy improves sleep quality and reduces the incidence of delirium in ICU patients (91-94). Unfortunately, despite this evidence, the recent Pro-MEDIC trial of prophylactic melatonin to reduce delirium incidence did not support the routine early use of melatonin in critical illness (95). As with light therapy, differences in outcomes may be attributable to heterogeneity in study design; melatonin doses in these studies ranged from 3 to 30 mg nightly while some studies used the melatonin receptor-agonist ramelteon. Included patient populations were also heterogeneous. It is also possible that because delirium is a multifactorial endpoint, it may not be the best proxy for circadian disruption and/or restoration. The use of melatonin to improve circadian rhythms in the ICU is still in its infancy and ongoing research may improve with more standardization and the use of different outcomes (96,97).

Sleep support

Sleep is possibly a manifestation of circadian physiology (98). Critically ill patients are vulnerable to sleep disturbances including increased sleep latency, increased arousals, decreased rapid-eye-motion (REM) and decreased slow-wave sleep (99). Despite the established importance of sleep to overall health, it remains difficult to study sleep in critically ill patients. While new sleep scoring criteria are an intense area of research, many have yet to be validated (100,101). Nevertheless, sleep disturbances are associated with increased morbidity and mortality from critical illness (99).

While studies of sleep in the ICU have not focused on circadian physiology per se and a full review of sleep and sedation in critical illness and how they relate to circadian health is outside the scope of this review, interventions aimed at improving sleep are often employed to address circadian health in the ICU. Additionally, although we discuss the literature on melatonin therapy separately in this review, it is often included in sleep hygiene bundles. Non-pharmaceutical interventions to improve sleep include promoting daytime wakefulness, and the use of earplugs, eye masks, reductions in ICU noise, and reductions in nursing interventions during night hours. While one study found that sleep quality and duration was improved with the use of earplugs (102), another study reported no improvement in sleep architecture (103). More often, sleep hygiene interventions are applied together in the form of a bundle. In a relatively large prospective cohort study of medical and surgical ICU patients in the United Kingdom, Patel et al. demonstrated that a >90% compliance to an evidence-based sleep hygiene bundle improved patient sleep quality and reduced the incidence of delirium (104), which has been replicated several times (105-107). These data are valuable, but do not explicitly focus on the restoration or amplification of circadian rhythmicity. Efforts to connect sleep hygiene with circadian physiology may lead to broader applications of sleep hygiene for recovery from critical illness.

Cyclic nutrition support

Nutrition is a critical component of physiologic homeostasis and depends on circadian entrainment. Nutrition in the ICU is paramount, as many of these patients are frail or malnourished at baseline and prolonged immobility combined with poor oral intake exacerbates their poor nutritional status. Critical illness also compromises gastric motility and bowel absorption. As a result, many critically ill patients need nutritional support.

The timing of nutritional support in the ICU may preserve, restore, and/or even amplify circadian rhythms (108). Eating is regulated by the circadian clock in the SCN. Food intake must be synchronized with SCN-driven endocrine signals (109) in order to maintain metabolic rhythms in peripheral tissues and organs (110). Research on nighttime shift workers and volunteers has confirmed this, showing for example that nocturnal eating promotes glucose intolerance and hypertriglyceridemia (111-113). Nevertheless, ICU patients that require nutrition support generally receive tube feeds continuously, during the day and night. Clinical trials evaluating continuous versus cycled nutrition support in the ICU have understandably focused on caloric intake goals rather than circadian physiology. Intermittent feeding/fasting decreases insulin requirements but may have negligible effects on blood glucose levels, and the effects on gastric emptying and muscle metabolism/catabolism are inconclusive (108). Continuous feeding may be an iatrogenic circadian disruption and focused research on its association with circadian physiology is warranted.

Physical exercise

Physical exercise has been shown to entrain and amplify the circadian system in animals (114,115). Early mobilization is considered an essential component of ICU care (116), but this is not generally attributed to effects on circadian rhythmicity. While physical therapy during the ICU stay has been thoroughly studied, no studies exist on timed exercise to specifically promote circadian rhythmicity. Studies of intense light therapy using actigraphy monitors confirm that light therapy increases healthy volunteers’ day-time activity which also increases their circadian amplitude. Thus, physical exercise may have broader implications for circadian rhythms, and physical exercise during specific time periods should be prioritized for future ICU research with a focus on circadian rhythm restoration and amplification.

Other interventions


Circadian rhythms are complex in both origin and downstream effects, and the development of novel therapies to restore and amplify these rhythms in critically ill patients will depend on focused research. Components of circadian health which to date have been almost completely overlooked in the critical care literature include temperature regulation and medication timing.

Temperature was one of the first variables identified to have a circadian rhythm in humans, in the 1800s (117). Core body temperature is integral to chemical processes and protein stability and is regulated by both the hypothalamus and the liver. The timing of daily temperature variation is integral to sleep and reveals the phase shift of circadian rhythms (118). Targeted temperature management became the focus of intense scrutiny to improve neurological outcomes after cardiac arrest research over the past decade (119), and yet broader applications in the ICU have not been broached.


Critically ill patients are almost universally exposed to polypharmacy, and complex medication administration patterns in an unpredictable, high-acuity environment are often subject to clinical workflow constraints. It is not well known that many widely used medications in the United States target circadian gene products (23) and as such the timing of administration, or chronotherapy, is critical. For example, studies on this topic in the mid-1990s showed that rhythmically delivered chemotherapy could reduce toxicity in colorectal cancer patients (120). However, this did not lead to changes in labeling by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), treatment guidelines, or standards of practice and only four of the 50 currently most prescribed drugs have FDA-labeled time-of-day dosing recommendation (121). Moreover, most best-selling drugs in the United States target a circadian gene product (23). Thus, application of chronotherapy principles for the countless medications utilized in the ICU, and the effects on circadian health, remain unknown but may be clinically important.

Novel therapeutic concept in critical illness: the circadian MEGA bundle

Maintaining circadian entrainment is critical for overall health, but beyond maintenance, therapeutic circadian amplitude enhancement has emerged as a potential protective mechanism in different settings (13,79) and is currently under intense investigation (15,122,123) (Figures 1,2). Circadian amplitude enhancement can be achieved by timed light therapy, timed exercise, timed feeding or giving circadian amplitude enhancing molecules at the appropriate time as shown by numerous studies in animals (13-15,77,124-126). Whether timed temperature changes or timed administration of drugs could have similar effects is currently unknown. However, this seems very likely given what is known about circadian entrainment. In any case, existing data do support the potential benefit of a “MEGA bundle” strategy for the ICU where all the above-mentioned circadian rhythm targeting parameters are coordinated. Published data also supports the addition of a pharmacologic adjunct to the bundle that can reset, synchronize, and increase the circadian amplitude. Several of these circadian amplitude-enhancing small molecules were identified in studies utilizing a high throughput screen (127). One of the natural compounds identified was the flavonoid nobiletin, which robustly enhances the circadian amplitude (13). Since then nobiletin has been shown to protect against the metabolic syndrome (13), midazolam induced delirium (122), and ischemia/reperfusion injury of the heart (128,129) liver (130) and kidneys (131) in mice. Human studies are rare but have demonstrated that nobiletin-containing food is beneficial for improving memory dysfunction in healthy elderly subjects (132) and can protect isolated human islets against hypoxia and oxidative stress-induced apoptosis (133). Moreover, a growing body of laboratory studies and randomized trials support cardiometabolic benefits of flavonoid-rich foods such as cocoa, tea, and berries. Flavonoid-rich cocoa produces small but measurable benefits on blood pressure (BP), endothelial function, insulin resistance, and blood lipids (134-136). How nobiletin or flavonoids more generally affect circadian rhythms in humans, however, remains incompletely understood. As shown in Figure 2, based on current evidence, we propose not only to administer bright light during the day, initiate timed feeding, timed physical and occupational therapy, timed interventions, and timed medication administration, but also to protocolize control of ambient temperatures and to administer drugs that could enhance the circadian amplitude.

Figure 2 Circadian MEGA bundle to target circadian rhythm physiology in critical illness.


Circadian entrainment and amplitude enhancement are integral to patients’ overall health and well-being, and likely even more important during response to and recovery from critical illness. It is imperative that future mechanistic research continue to confirm that circadian re-alignment and amplification are achieved by a given intervention before we can move to more robust studies of clinical endpoints. In the meantime, despite uncertainty regarding specific therapeutic best practice, many basic interventions to promote circadian concordance are relatively simple, inexpensive, and unlikely to cause significant harm. Many circadian health strategies overlap, and we propose the use of a mega-bundle for ICU circadian health, to include intense light therapy each morning, cyclic nutrition support, timed physical therapy, nighttime melatonin administration, morning administration of circadian rhythm amplitude enhancers, cyclic temperature control and a nocturnal sleep hygiene bundle. This will require multidisciplinary collaboration and institutional support, but the global public health implications might be immense. Although more study is needed, we strongly believe that restoration and amplification of circadian rhythms will result in improved outcomes for critically ill patients.


Funding: Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and National Institute of Aging of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R56HL156955 and R03AG078956. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.


Provenance and Peer Review: This article was commissioned by the editorial office, Annals of Translational Medicine for the series “Highlights in Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine”. The article has undergone external peer review.

Peer Review File: Available at https://atm.amegroups.com/article/view/10.21037/atm-22-5127/prf

Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at https://atm.amegroups.com/article/view/10.21037/atm-22-5127/coif). The series “Highlights in Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine” was commissioned by the editorial office without any funding or sponsorship. TE served as the unpaid Guest Editor of the series and serves as an unpaid editorial board member of Annals of Translational Medicine from November 2021 to October 2023. BS served as the unpaid Guest Editor of the series. The authors have no other conflicts of interest to declare.

Ethical Statement: The authors are accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

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Cite this article as: Prin M, Bertazzo J, Walker LA, Scott B, Eckle T. Enhancing circadian rhythms—the circadian MEGA bundle as novel approach to treat critical illness. Ann Transl Med 2023;11(9):319. doi: 10.21037/atm-22-5127

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