Consideration of load distribution and native soft tissue anatomy when choosing an animal bony model

Consideration of load distribution and native soft tissue anatomy when choosing an animal bony model

Albert T. Anastasio1^, Caitlin Grant2, Emily M. Peairs2, Joseph S. Fernandez-Moure1

1Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA; 2Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC, USA

^ORCID: 0000-0002-8617-775X.

Correspondence to: Albert T. Anastasio, MD. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Duke University Medical Center, 311 Trent Dr., Durham, NC 27710, USA. Email:

Comment on: Steward SKT, Brodin E, Gadomski B, et al. Mechanical comparison of application of locking intramedullary nail to locking compression plate in the ovine metatarsus. Ann Transl Med 2023;11:191.

Keywords: Orthopaedics; implants; bony models

Submitted Apr 11, 2023. Accepted for publication Jun 25, 2023. Published online Jul 20, 2023.

doi: 10.21037/atm-23-1513

We read the article “Mechanical comparison of application of locking intramedullary nail to locking compression plate in the ovine metatarsus” with great interest (1). In an era of rapidly expanding interest in preclinical animal fracture modeling to test an array of prosthetic implant options, orthobiologic adjuncts, fracture fixation modalities, and treatments for nonunion- or infection-derived bony defects, selection of the optimal animal host and fracture site is imperative. Steward et al. have eloquently demonstrated a greater construct stiffness for intramedullary nailing (IMN) of the ovine metatarsus when compared to lateral locking compression plating (LCP) constructs. As may be expected with the high polar moment of inertia on nail construct, IMN showed less variance in strain under torsional loading. Perhaps less intuitively, IMN also showed less strain than LCP in 4-point bending. We find these results to be of great interest and relevance for further investigation in critical-size osteotomy defects in the ovine metatarsus. As these authors demonstrate, when testing therapeutics such as the latest orthobiologic derivative or evaluating risk facture contribution to poor bony healing, researchers must fully understand the strain environment of a particular site of interest. This is just one factor which can impact the results of the experimental model. The purpose of this editorial is to delve further into the stress-strain relationship in animal fracture modeling. We aim to call attention to careful consideration of the specific characteristics of a chosen animal bony model, appreciating the importance of the load distribution of the particular bone in question and the native surrounding soft tissue anatomy.

To discuss how the bony healing environment is impacted by strain, it is imperative to understand the underlying principles of bony growth and remodeling. Strain refers to a force placed upon a bone, while stress refers to the elastic force that resists the intermolecular stretching (2). Wolff’s law, first described in 1892, states that “Every change in the form and function of bone or of their function alone is followed by certain definite changes in their internal architecture, and equally definite alteration in their external conformation, in accordance with mathematical laws.” (3). Put simply, bones grow and remodel in response to the forces from their mechanical environment. Research from 19th century anatomists elucidated a balance between strength of bone and its weight, achieved by self-regulating deposition and absorption mechanisms (4). Wolff’s contribution to these concepts was the proposal that trabecular bone formed during periods of growth in the same orientation as the stressor on bone (5). While Wolff intended this as a means of explaining the development of the proximal femur during ontogeny, it has expanded to become a more generalized rule foundational to the field of orthopaedics (5) His simplistic concept, while still highly referenced the orthopaedic literature, has been revised and nuanced by later researchers to incorporate the diverse array of factors that contribute to bone modeling and remodeling.

Bone modeling describes the shaping of bones by independent actions of osteoclasts and osteoblasts (6). Thus, remodeling refers to the sequential actions of osteoclasts and osteoblasts in turning over small packets of bone, referred to as bone remodeling units (BRU) or bone metabolic units (BMU) (5) While trabecular bone and cortical bone are modeled and remodeled by the same physiologic processes, the mechanisms that regulate each are not the same and are remarkably complex (5). When a bone is exposed to a certain kind of strain, there are four possible outcomes as described by Pearson (5). The first outcome is a lack of response or change by the bone, either because the signal was not strong enough or because of the presence of an inhibitory stimulus on response (2,5). Modeling may occur either through bone formation by osteoblasts or reportion by osteoclasts. Finally, bone may turn over through remodeling of BMUs/BRUs (5). Generally, bone deposition occurs in response to strain to increase bone strength and resistance to deformation; however, this is nuanced and varies based on age, sex, and other host factors (7,8). Other studies have also asserted that below normal or low levels of strain can lead to bone resorption (9,10). Despite the pervasive oversimplification of Wolff’s law ignoring the cellular and hormonal factors which are critical to osteoblastic regulation, this principal can serve as a useful scaffold for understanding the macro effects of strain on bone modeling and remodeling.

To further understand the complex relationship of strain and mechanical stress to bony remodeling, various animal models are utilized depending on specific experimental characteristics. Rats are historically the most common in vivo bony models followed by mice, rabbits, and dogs (11). Based upon the human bone type and the specific forces a researcher is attempting to investigate, different animal models may be more or less appropriate. For example, when modeling trabecular bone, comparative studies have demonstrated that human bone has much lower fracture stress value than other animals, although pig and dog models appear to be the most similar in this regard (12). In contrast, when modeling longitudinal fractures in long bones, comparative studies have found that canine bones have the highest fracture toughness followed sequentially by human, baboon, rabbit, and bovine bone. Human cadaveric femurs in particular were found to be most similar in fracture toughness and bone mineral density to the femurs of rabbit and baboon models (13). While the priority of many researchers is to utilize an animal model where bone composition and load bearing is most similar to the human clinical scenario of interest, there are other important considerations. Factors such as cost, size of skeletal system for fixation, time to healing, and surrounding soft tissue anatomy all impact model decision (11).

The modeling of femur and tibial fracture and fixation has been most extensively studied, with mice and rats being the primary models for investigation. Early studies demonstrated that in closed fracture models with 3-point bending, mice femurs healed through endochondral ossification pathways with fracture bridging, and therefore were appropriate models for fracture healing (14). Mice have also been utilized for open fracture modeling through transverse osteotomy. Through open fracture modeling, researchers can ensure high quality intramedullary and external fixation which can be challenging in the smaller bony anatomy of mice and rats (15).

For distal radius fracture (DRF) and plating, canines have been utilized due to the similarities between the human orientation of abductor pollicis longus and extensor carpi radialis at the distal radius to more closely replicate in vivo modeling of tendon injury after DRF plating (16). Canine models have also been utilized for modeling of pediatric flexible IMN and K-wire fixation. Canine models offer a similar size profile to that seen in the pediatric patient population and therefore researchers are closely able to mimic real life bony fixation placement (17).

With regard to modeling the bones of the hand, a bony environment with lower load bearing is essential. In recent years, pigs have been utilized frequently as biomechanical models of metacarpal fracture and fixation. Comparative studies demonstrate that cross sections of non-weightbearing second and fifth metacarpals of commercial pigs are comparable to the central diaphyseal shafts of human proximal phalanges (18). More specifically, when cadaver proximal phalanges were measured for their circumference and cross-sectional area, they were no significant differences as compared to porcine metacarpals (18). Due to these similarities, pig metatarsals have been utilized to examine the biomechanical properties and efficacy of K-wire fixation, plate and screw, flexible wire loops, and twisted wire in phalangeal fracture models (19,20). Aside from porcine models, rabbits have also been utilized for metacarpal fracture in vivo investigation. Alignment and motion of diaphyseal metacarpal fractures have been examined in New Zealand white rabbits due to the similarities of forepaw muscle tendon and bony anatomy to that of human hands (19). Rabbits also have cortical bone with primary osteon morphology that mirrors human cortical bone (20).

Rodent models tend to differ from humans in their external anatomy and load bearing environments, but the current variety of transgenic models developed to mimic human disease states makes them useful investigative tools. For example, researchers have developed genetically modified mice and rats without matrix metalloproteinase 9 and bone morphogenetic protein 2 in order to assess nonunion fracture healing (21). Additionally, mice have provided researchers the opportunity to model diseases such as diabetes and osteoporosis with cost efficiency and large cohorts (22,23). As a final consideration for orthopaedic animal modeling, the trialing of total joint prostheses has more often occurred in larger mammals as opposed to the models discussed in this editorial which primarily center around bony fracture. Goel et al. examined the femurs of sheep, canines, and baboons in order to determine the best experimental model for hip implants. They found that baboons and dogs were most similar in external anatomy and cancellous bone area and distribution, and were therefore the most appropriate model organisms (24).

In conclusion, preclinical animal fracture modeling has become a topic of substantial interest in an era of enhanced understanding of the complex array of factors which impact bone healing. Wolff’s law, while incomplete in its consideration of the complex interplay governing bony remodeling, forms the basis for our understanding of the stress response of bone. The choice of animal model along with the specific bone of study presents a unique set of factors such as local stress-strain environment, load distribution, and native surrounding soft tissue anatomy which can be creatively utilized to simulate human conditions.


Funding: None.


Provenance and Peer Review: This article was commissioned by the editorial office, Annals of Translational Medicine. The article did not undergo external peer review.

Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at ATA receives consulting fees from QpixSolutions. The other authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.

Ethical Statement: The authors are accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

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Cite this article as: Anastasio AT, Grant C, Peairs EM, Fernandez-Moure JS. Consideration of load distribution and native soft tissue anatomy when choosing an animal bony model. Ann Transl Med 2023;11(10):336. doi: 10.21037/atm-23-1513

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