5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 potentiates chemotherapy sensitivity of breast cancer cells through a microRNA let-7a-dependent mechanism
Breast cancer (BC) represents the most common cancer and the leading cause of cancer-specific death among women worldwide (1). 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), first introduced as a synthesized anticancer agent several decades ago, continues to be widely used for the treatment of a variety of common malignancies, including BC (2). However, like other conventional agents used in chemotherapy, 5-FU shows various disadvantages such as poor bioavailability and great non-productive drug distribution as a result of the lack of specificity for tumors (3). Due to the non-selectively, 5-FU has been reported to cause adverse side effects, serious drug resistance, and limited concentration at the target location (4). Herein, the construction of novel drug delivery system for 5-FU is of great significance in regard of improving its performance in BC.
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), also known as porous coordination polymers, are highly crystalline materials composed of organic linkers and metal clusters (5). As a new class of materials characterized by high specific surface areas and defined structures, MOFs are recognized as promising precursors for preparing drug delivery systems (6). Among MOFs, UIO-66-NH2 is a zirconium-based type that has been highlighted for its low cytotoxicity and relatively high biocompatibility (7). More importantly, the amine on UIO-66-NH2 contributes to the feasibility of post-modifying UIO-66-NH2 to construct multifunctional MOFs, which may overcome the limitations of functional simplicity and be applied for drug delivery (8).
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) refers to a highly unsaturated fatty acid and is indispensable for human body, and the critical role of DHA has been recognized in maintaining normal physiological activity of nerve cells (9,10). Intriguingly, a previous study has indicated that DHA can up-regulate the expression of let-7a, thereby increasing the sensitivity of BC cells to 5-FU (11). Meanwhile, accumulating evidence has highlighted that 5-FU and DHA can upregulate the expression of let-7a in BC cells and BC cell-derived exosomes, respectively, and inhibit the occurrence and development of BC (12-14). Besides, the low-pH microenvironment in cancer tissues has revealed the potential of novel pH-sensitive drug delivery systems, for which DHA serves as a promising modifier (15). Taken together, in the present study, we synthesized DHA-modified UIO-66-NH2 to evaluate its effectiveness as a carrier of 5-FU in BC treatment and hypothesized that 5-FU-incorporated DHA-UIO-66-NH2 (5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2) reduce the resistance of BC cells to 5-FU by up-regulating the level of let-7a. Although there is literature reporting the effects of magnetic DHA on tumor cells (16), in this study, MOFs were used as drug carriers different from the Fe3O4 liposome nanomaterials as drug delivery media used in the literature. Due to the ultrahigh surface area and porosity of MOFs, the 5-FU drug loading capacity can be greatly increased; in addition, MOFs were modified with DHA and loaded with 5-FU drugs, which can play a synergistic effect in the treatment of BC. We present the following article in accordance with the ARRIVE reporting checklist (available at https://dx.doi.org/10.21037/atm-21-5978).
Ethical statement
Animal experiments were approved by the Animal Ethics Committee of Harbin Medical University Cancer Hospital (approval number: 2019-185) and performed according to the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory animals published by the US National Institutes of Health. Extensive efforts were made to ensure minimal suffering of the animals used in the study.
Preparation of 5-FU-incorporated DHA-UIO-66-NH2 (5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2)
For the synthesis of UIO-66-NH2 framework, 0.125 g ZrCl4 and 0.123 g BDC-NH2 were added to the mixed solution of 1 mL HCl and 15 mL N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF), followed by 4-h heating and stirring at 80°C. Then, for the preparation of DHA-UIO-66-NH2, DHA and UIO-66-NH2 were dissolved in 20 mL of DMF at different ratios (0, 1/8, 1/4, and 1/2), followed by stirring at room temperature for one day. Prepared DHA-UIO-66-NH2 was washed with DMF to remove uncombined DHA. Subsequently, for the construction of 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66, 20 mg of 5-FU (dissolved in 20 mL PBS) was added with 5 mg DHA@UIO-66-NH2 and stirred for 24 h in the dark.
Characterization of 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66
The morphology of 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66 was observed under a scanning electron microscope (SEM, Zeiss Field Emission SEM Supra55VP, Oberkochen, Germany). Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy was performed using a Spectrum100 FT-IR spectrometer (4000–400 cm−1). Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) data were collected with a DX-2700B diffractometer (Dandong Haoyuan Instrument, Dandong, Liaoning, China) in the range of 5–50° (2θ) at a scan rate of 5°/min. Further, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was conducted under nitrogen utilizing a TGA/SDTA 851e analyzer (Mettler-Toledo, Highstown, NJ, USA) with the temperature rising from ambient temperature to 800 °C at a heating rate of 10 °C/min.
5-FU@DHA-UIO-66 was also subjected to ultraviolet (UV)-VIS spectroscopy utilizing a UV-3010 spectrophotometer (Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan). The solid-state 13C MAS NMR spectrum was recorded utilizing a contact time of 3 milliseconds on a Bruker AM-400 (400 MHz) spectrometer equipped with a 5.0 mm chemical probe (Bruker Daltonik GmbH, Bremen, Germany). The nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherm was measured with a Autosorb AS-6B/IQ2 apparatus (Quantachrome Instruments, Boynton Beach, FL, USA) under nitrogen (77 K). Moreover, the concentration of 5-FU was measured utilizing UV-VIS spectroscopy.
Loading and release of 5-FU
The loading amount of 5-FU in DHA-UIO-66-NH2 was calculated based on the determination of the concentration of 5-FU in the solution and supernatant at different time points by UV-3010 spectrophotometer (Hitachi). The release rate of 5-FU in PBS (pH =7.4 or 5.5) was measured by dialysis. Briefly, 200 µg 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 was dispersed in 20 mL of PBS and subjected to dialysis (37±1 °C, 110 rpm). At different time points during the dialysis, 1 mL of the sample was taken from the supernatant for UV detection of 5-FU content, and 1 mL of fresh PBS was simultaneously added to the original system.
Cellular uptake
The uptake of constructed MOFs by MCF-7 human BC cells was observed with confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM). MCF-7 cells (5×104 per well) were first seeded on 6-well plates and incubated for 12 h, and then incubated with 10 µg/mL FITC-DHA-UIO-66-NH2 or FITC-UIO-66-NH2 for 0.5, 1, 3 or 6 h, followed by PBS washing. After that, the cells were fixed with 2.5% formaldehyde at 37 °C for 10 min, treated with DAPI (20 µg/mL in PBS) for 10 min to stain the nucleus, and observed with CLSM (Leica TCS SP8, Leica, Buffalo, NY, USA).
3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay
The biocompatibility and cytotoxicity of 5-FU@UIO-66-NH2 and 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 in MCF-7 cells were examined utilizing MTT assay. The cells were cultured in plates (100,000 strains per well) for 24 h (37 °C, 5% CO2) and transferred to new plates (100 µL medium/well). Subsequently, the cells were incubated for 48 h with 0, 0.195, 0.39, 0.781, 1.562, 3.125, 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50 and 100 µg/mL−1 5-FU drugs: 5-FU@UIO-66-NH2 or 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2..After 48 h, the cells were incubated with 20 µL of MTT solution (5.0 mg/mL). After the supernatant removed and 150 µL of DMSO added, the optical density (OD) of the substance in each well at 570 nm was determined, and the data were characterized by the mean value ± standard deviation (SD).
Cell viability detection
MCF-7 cells cultured in 96-well plates (5×104 cells/well) were incubated with 5-FU@UIO-66-NH2 or 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 of different concentrations (0.195, 0.39, 0.781, 1.562, 3.125, 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50 and 100 µg/mL) for 24 h. Then, the inhibiting effects of the drug on MCF-7 cell viability were detected by trypan blue staining of viable cells.
Flow cytometry
Cell apoptosis was detected following the protocols of Annexin V-fluorescein isothiocyanate (Annexin V-FITC)/propidium iodide (PI) counterstaining kit (BD Biosciences, San Diego, CA, USA). Briefly, MCF-7 cells (upon cell confluence reaching 70%) were incubated with 10 µg/mL 5-FU@UIO-66-NH2 or 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 for 48 h, digested with EDTA-free trypsin, and stained by Annexin V-FITC and PI, followed by detection using a flow cytometer (BD FACSVerse, BD Biosciences, Bedford, MA, USA) with an excitation wavelength of 488 nm and an emission wavelength of 525 nm.
Live/dead cell staining
MCF-7 cells were cultured overnight in 8-well plates (3×104 cells/well) and then incubated for 24 h with 5-FU@UIO-66-NH2 or 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 at a concentration of 10 µg/mL. Following that, the cells were stained with Calcein (final concentration of 2 µM) and PI (50 µg/mL) for 10 min and then subjected to CLSM observation.
Cell transfection
MCF-7 cells and MCF7 sublines resistant to cisplatin (MCF-7/DDP) were incubated in high-sugar DMEM medium (DMEM: FBS =9:1) supplemented with 1% antibodies against streptomycin and penicillin. For transfection, plasmids expressing let-7a mimic or let-7a inhibitor, or corresponding negative control (NC) were commercially constructed (RIBOBio, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China). The cells in the logarithmic growth phase were digested, centrifuged, mixed with 1 mL of prepared culture medium, and then counted. The cells were seeded into 24-well plates (2.5×105 cells/well) and cell transfection was conducted when the cell confluence reached 70%. Entraster-R4000 dilution was prepared by mixing 1 µL of Entraster-R4000 with 24 µL of serum-free medium to reach a final volume of 25 µL, allowed to stand at room temperature for 5 min, and added with the aforementioned plasmids to a final volume of 50 µL for transfection.
Total RNA extraction from cells
The Eppendorf tube and other materials used for RNA extraction were cooled before the assay, and total RNA was extracted from the cells following the protocols of Trizol reagent (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA). The concentration and purity of the extracted total RNA was determined utilizing a microplate reader.
miRNA reverse transcription
The reagents and samples involved were placed on ice, and miRNA reverse transcription was performed on ice. The reaction system of reverse transcription is shown in Table S1. After centrifugation (42 °C, 60 min) and degeneration under 95 °C for 3 min, miRNA reverse transcription was terminated at 4 °C. Prepared cDNA was immediately subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or labeled and stored at −20 °C for subsequent experiments.
mRNA reverse transcription
mRNA reverse transcription was also performed on ice, and the reaction system is listed in Tables S2,S3. The first reaction was terminated at 4 °C following a 5-min centrifugation at 65 °C. For the second reaction, centrifugation was performed at 42 °C for 60 min and the reaction was terminated at 4 °C.
miRNA quantification
The primers used for PCR was synthesized by RIBOBio (Guangzhou, Guangdong, China), shown in Table S4. SYBR Green was selected for fluorescent staining. The assay was carried out on ice without direct lighting, and the reaction system is shown in Table S5. Prepared reaction system was determined based on the protocols of the PCR kit, with U6 serving as the housekeeping gene. Then, 2−∆∆CT method was utilized to calculate the relative expression level of the target gene.
Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8) assay
Cells in the logarithmic growth phase were digested, centrifuged, and seeded onto 96-well plates (3,000 cells/well, 100 µL medium/well) for 24-h incubation (37 °C, 5% CO2), followed by liposome transfection of plasmids expressing let-7a mimic or inhibitor or corresponding NC. Three repeated wells were set for each group. After 24 hours of transfection, cells of each group were treated with 5-FU of different concentrations (3, 6, 12, 24, 48 µM) for 24 h. After that, CCK- 8 assay was performed to assess the inhibiting effects of 5-FU on cell viability. A microplate reader was employed to measure OD at 450 nm, and the half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 5-FU was calculated.
Establishment of a nude mouse model of BC
A BC mouse model was established to observe the anti-tumor effects of 5-FU-DHA-UIO-66-NH2in vivo. Nude mice with xenografted tumors were then classified into four groups, a Control group and other three groups subjected to treatment of 5-FU or 5-FU@UIO-66-NH2 or 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2. Briefly, when the tumor volume reached 300 mm3, 100 mL of normal saline (for the Control group), 5-FU, 5-FU@UIO-66-NH2, or 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 solution were injected into mice through the tail vein. The volume of xenografted tumors was measured with a caliper every three days. The administered dose of 5-FU was 5 mg/kg (17).
Biosafety assessment of 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2
To evaluate the biosafety of 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2, 100 µL of PBS or 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 (5 mg/kg 5-FU) was injected through tail vein into BALB/c nude mice, which were sacrificed 7 days later to collect major organs (heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney). Collected organs were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, dehydrated with ethanol of different concentrations (50%, 70%, 90%, and, 100%), permeabilized with xylene, and embedded in paraffin. Then, the sections were subjected HE staining, followed by observation with a microscope (BX53, Olympus, Tokyo, Japan). Besides, blood cell counting and analysis of serum biochemical parameters were performed on the 1st and 7th day after the intravenous injection of 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2.
Statistical analysis
Data in this study were processed using SPSS v.21.0 software (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA). Measurement data were summarized as mean ± SD. Unpaired t-test was applied to compare data of two groups. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey’s post-hoc test was performed to compare data of multiple groups. Tumor volume and weight at various time points were compared by repeated measures ANOVA with Bonferroni’s post-hoc test. Survival rate at different time points was analyzed by two-way ANOVA. Moreover, P<0.05 indicated statistically significant difference.
Successful construction and characterization of UIO-66-NH2, DHA-UIO-66-NH2, and 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2
We synthesized UIO-66-NH2 through hot solvent diffusion method and then DHA-UIO-66-NH2 and 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2. Then, SEM characterization revealed that the particle size of UIO-66-NH2 was about 100 nm when the molar ratio of zirconium metal salt to ligand was 0.125:0.123 (Figure 1A). FT-IR spectroscopy of the prepared UIO-66-NH2 indicated an obvious red shift of carboxyl functional group, identifying that the metal ion had been successfully combined with the ligand (Figure 1B).

Subsequently, DHA was modified to the surface of UIO-66-NH2, and the carboxyl group at the end of DHA allow it to easily bind to UIO-66-NH2 that has many metal clusters and aminated ligands on the surface can easily bind to the metal clusters and amino ligands on the surface of the nano-MOF. Constructed DHA-UIO-66-NH2 was then characterized by FT-IR, PXRD, solid-state NMR, and gas adsorption. The characteristic peak of DHA appeared on the NMR spectrum of DHA-UIO-66-NH2, showing successfully combination of DHA and UIO-66-NH2 (Figure 1C). FT-IR spectrum DHA-UIO-66-NH2 also displayed the absorption peak of DHA (Figure 1D), and the nitrogen gas absorption (BET) of DHA-modified UIO-66-NH2 was lower than that of newly synthesized UIO-66-NH2 (Figure 1E). Moreover, PXRD pattern of 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 and UIO-66-NH2 showed no obvious differences, indicating that the framework remained intact (Figure 1F). Collectively, these results demonstrated the successful construction of UIO-66-NH2, DHA-UIO-66-NH2, and 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2.
DHA-UIO-66-NH2 framework effectively loads 5-FU
Following the construction of 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2, we explored the loading of 5-FU by DHA-UIO-66-NH2. Results of TGA uncovered decreased thermal stability of DHA-UIO-66-NH2 as compared with 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 when the temperature reached 480 °C (Figure 2A). Then, the pore size of the MOFs was found to be mainly distributed in the range of micropores (0.5–1.5 nm) and slightly in the range of mesopores (1.5–3 nm), and the pore size of DHA-modified UIO-66-NH2 was smaller than that of UIO-66-NH2 (Figure 2B). Further, loading capability of 5-FU was tested in PBS, and the loading amount of DHA-UIO-NH2 for 5-FU was 30.31% (Figure 2C). Moreover, 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 existed stably for 24 hours in the solution of pH from 4 to 7, showing good water stability (Figure 2D).

Furthermore, the 5-FU-carrying DHA-UIO-66-NH2 framework remained stable even after three rounds of drug release (Figure 2E). Considering the nearly neutral pH value in normal human cells and the acidic condition in tumor cells, we detected drug release under the conditions of pH 5.5 and pH 7.4. Approximately 37% of 5-FU was released from DHA-UIO-66-NH2 under pH 7.4 and 62–75% was released under pH 5.5 (Figure 2F). In other words, the release of drugs was augmented by the weak acid microenvironment of the tumor. Taken together, our data suggested that DHA-UIO-66-NH2 effectively loaded 5-FU and that 5-FU release may be promoted in tumors.
DHA-UIO-66-NH2 and UIO-66-NH2 particles can be effectively endocytosed by BC cells
Subsequently, we incubated MCF-7 cells with FITC-labeled DHA-UIO-66-NH2 or UIO-66-NH2 to observe the uptake of the two MOFs by MCF-7 cells. In the first 0.5 h, the cells presented with no obvious green fluorescence, indicating that only a few DHA-UIO-66-NH2 or UIO-66-NH2 were endocytosed. With the incubation time extending to 3 and 6 h, stronger FITC green fluorescence was observed in the cytoplasm and nucleus, suggesting that more MOFs penetrated the membrane and entered the cells (Figure 3A,3B). Hence, DHA-UIO-66-NH2 and UIO-66-NH2 particles were effectively endocytosed by MCF-7 BC cells.

5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 represses the proliferation of BC cells and augments the apoptosis
Following cellular uptake, we then explored the cytotoxicity of these 5-FU-carrying MOFs. After treatment with UIO-66-NH2, 5-FU@UIO-66-NH2 and 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 of different concentrations separately, the cell viability of MCF-7 cells was measured by MTT. According to the results, the concentration of 5-FU@UIO-66-NH2 and 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 was linearly related to the cell viability of MCF-7 cells, and 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 showed greater cytotoxicity relative to 5-FU@UIO-66-NH2 (Figure 4A,4B). This may be explained from two aspects: DHA may increase the ability of the MOF to penetrate through the cell membrane; the drug can be released more effectively by DHA-modified MOF into MCF-7 cells.

Then, the morphology and viability of the cells treated with 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 were evaluated by optical microscopy. As shown in Figure 4C, cell viability of MCF-7 cells was reduced in response to 24-h treatment with 3.125 µg/mL of 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2. Co-incubation with 5-FU or 5-FU@UIO-66-NH2 alone also led to decreased MCF-7 cell viability, but not as obvious as that of 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2.
In addition, we employed flow cytometry to assess the effects of 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 on MCF-7 cell apoptosis. After 12-h co-incubation, the cells presented with the highest apoptotic rate in response to 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 as compared with 5-FU or 5-FU@UIO-66-NH2 (Figure 4D). Further, stronger red fluorescence was observed after 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 treatment versus 5-FU@UIO-66-NH2, indicating that most MCF-7 cells had been killed by 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2; in contrast, cells of the control group and cells treated with UIO-66-NH2 showed strong green fluorescence, showing that most of the cells were still alive (Figure 4E). In summary, 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 exhibited stronger inhibiting effects on BC cell viability as well as stimulative effects on BC cell apoptosis.
5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 up-regulates let-7a to reduce the resistance of BC cells to 5-FU
Further to explore the downstream mechanisms, we determined the expression of let-7a in MCF-7 cells with different treatments. The level of let-7a in MCF-7 cells in response to 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 (1.000±0.131) was observed to be higher than that in 5-FU@UIO-66-NH2-treated cells (0.398±0.045), and the latter was higher than that in UIO-66-NH2-treated cells (0.226±0.031) (Figure 5A,5B).

To investigate the role of let-7a in BC cell resistance, we performed functional assays and unraveled that let-7a overexpression led to reduced survival rate of 5-FU-treated MCF-7/DDP cells and let-7a inhibition led to the opposite (Figure 5C,5D). Moreover, our data indicated that the IC50 of 5-FU against MCF-7/DDP cells was decreased in the presence of let-7a mimic (10.82±0.53) relative to mimic NC (23.55±0.92), and increased in response to let-7a inhibitor (339.3±2.60) to inhibitor NC (13.15±0.86) (Figure 5E). Collectively, these results demonstrated that 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 up-regulated the level of let-7a to reduce the resistance of BC cells to 5-FU.
5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 attenuates tumorigenesis and increases chemosensitivity in BC cells in vivo
After the aforementioned in vitro assay, we then evaluated the anti-tumor effects of 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2in vivo. Compared with BC mice of the control group (treated with saline), those treated with 5-FU, 5-FU@UIO-66-NH2 or 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 exhibited repressed tumorigenesis, as reflected by reduced volume of xenografted tumors within 25 days (Figure 6A). Besides, the body weight of the BC mice in all groups showed similar rate of rise throughout the 25 days following drug administration (Figure 6B). Of note, the inhibiting effects on tumorigenesis of 5-FU@UIO-66-NH2 was stronger than that of 5-FU alone (corresponding to diminished weight of xenografted tumors), while 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 exerted the strongest tumor-inhibiting effects (Figure 6C,6D). Taken together, our data revealed that 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 effectively suppressed the tumorigenic ability of BC cells in nude mice and enhanced chemosensitivity in BC.

5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 is a safe drug-carrier for chemotherapy
Subsequently, we investigated the biosafety of 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 through the detection of physiological toxicity in vivo. Results of HE staining showed no obvious damage to the five major organs of BC mice treated by 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 (Figure 7). Then, through routine blood analysis we found that the blood parameters of the mice were in the normal range on the 1st and 7th day from 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 administration (Table 1). Furthermore, 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 treatment only slightly affected the level of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) indicators, thus causing no damage to the kidney and liver (Table 1). In summary, 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 could be metabolized by BC mice and executed minimized toxic side effects on normal tissues. In this sense, 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 may serve as a safe drug carrier for BC treatment.

Table 1
Variables | WBC (109/L) | RBC (1012/L) | HGB (g/L) | HCT (%) | MCV (fL) | MCH (pg) | MCHC (g/L) | PLT (109/L) | ALT (U/L) | ALP (U/L) | AST (U/L) |
Reference range | 3.91–14.93 | 7.48–10.91 | 123–167 | 40.5–52.9 | 45.8–58.1 | 13.5–17.2 | 247–361 | 482–1293 | 37–102 | 102–328 | 74–241 |
Healthy control | 6.25±1.47 | 9.01±0.62 | 140.5±6.9 | 43.2±2.5 | 49.6±2.7 | 15.4±0.9 | 324.1±4.8 | 901.5±130.1 | 69.3±8.5 | 186.5±46.7 | 200.5±35.3 |
1 day after treatment | 7.59±1.01 | 8.47±0.66 | 138.2±11.4 | 46.8±1.7 | 46.8±1.3 | 14.8±0.7 | 312.9±6.5 | 840.2±74.9 | 57.5±4.1 | 147.1±20.5 | 150.9±8.7 |
7 days after treatment | 8.07±1.24 | 9.55±0.81 | 147.9±8.6 | 48.1±2.9 | 47.7±2.0 | 15.8±0.6 | 320.4±3.7 | 1017.8±57.3 | 62.6±3.9 | 178.4±33.1 | 179.6±14.2 |
The BC mice injected with 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 were euthanized on day 1 and day 7. Untreated healthy nude mice as control. Complete blood count: white blood cell (WBC), red blood cell (RBC), hemoglobin (HGB), hematocrit (HCT), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), and platelet (PLT). Serum biochemical parameters: alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST).
Drug delivery systems with magnetization have attracted considerable interest for their capability of promoting the accumulation of drug at the target site (18). Especially for cancer treatment, drug loading and release based on nano-carrier with high biocompatibility and low cytotoxicity is a promising approach to improve the efficacy of conventional chemotherapy, which has long been limited by drug resistance, side effects, and low effectiveness (19). In the present study, we observed the satisfying performance of DHA-modified UIO-66-NH2, a Zr-based MOF, when it was utilized as a carrier for 5-FU in BC treatment. We further illuminated that 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 can reduce the resistance of BC cells to 5-FU via regulation of let-7.
Initially, we successfully constructed UIO-66-NH2 and DHA-UIO-66-NH2 and characterized them with FT-IR, PXRD, solid-state NMR, and gas adsorption. As a member of MOFs, UIO-66-NH2 is a crystalline material composed of inorganic zirconium ions connected by organic NH2-H2BDC nodes (20). Of note, UIO-66-NH2 has been highlighted for properties such as large specific surface area and metal ions with various binding sites (8). Microorganism@UIO-66-NH2 has been reported to be a prospective barcoding candidate for the detection of colorectal cancer-related miRNAs due to the synergy between microorganisms and UIO-66-NH2 (21) and Fe3O4@UIO-66-NH2 has been employed to develop a drug delivery system possessing sustained drug release, ideal biocompatibility, and effective therapeutic effects (7). Following previous efforts, in this study we modified UIO-66-NH2 with DHA to deliver 5-FU, and our data unraveled that 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 existed stably for 24 hours in the solution of pH from 4 to 7 and possessed good water stability. Further, we substantiated that DHA-UIO-66-NH2 could effectively load 5-FU and that the release of 5-FU against BC cells was promoted in the presence of DHA modification, especially in the weak acid microenvironment of BC tumors. Our findings corroborate prior documentation about pH-sensitive drug delivery systems, where DHA was suggested to be a promising modifier for drug delivery system in cancer treatment due to the low-pH microenvironment in cancer tissues (15,22).
Further, we substantiated that DHA-UIO-66-NH2 and UIO-66-NH2 particles could be effectively endocytosed by MCF-7 BC cells, while 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 exhibited stronger inhibiting effects on BC cell viability and stimulative effects on apoptosis as compared with 5-FU@UIO-66-NH2. It was thus suggested that DHA increased the ability of the MOF to penetrate through the cell membrane, and 5-FU was released more effectively by DHA-modified UIO-66-NH2. In relation to this, DHA has been identified in significant amounts in the retinal or neuronal cell membranes based on its high fluidity (23). It has also been established that DHA can affect cell or tissue physiology and function through different mechanisms, one of which is the alteration in membrane structure (24). Subsequently, our data revealed that 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 up-regulated the level of miRNA let-7a to reduce the resistance of BC cells to 5-FU. In agreement with our finding, accumulating evidence has recognized let-7a as a biomarker in the management of BC, a tumor-suppressor to inhibit the proliferation of BC cells (25,26). A prior report further illuminated that DHA up-regulated the expression of let-7a and thus increase the sensitivity of BC cells to 5-FU (11). In vivo experiments also validated that 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 effectively suppressed the tumorigenic ability of BC cells and enhanced the chemosensitivity in BC mice. Moreover, we examined the biosafety of 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2. It was revealed that 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 could be metabolized by BC mice and exerted minimized toxic effects on major organs and normal tissues of the mice.
Based on the evidence acquired, the present study elucidated that 5-FU could be effectively loaded and released by DHA-modified UIO-66-NH2, and that 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2, with validated biocompatibility and biosafety, up-regulated the level of let-7a to reduce the resistance of BC cells to 5-FU (Figure 8). By constructing 5-FU@DHA-UIO-66-NH2 and investigating the role of this novel drug delivery system in BC, this study characterized DHA-UIO-66-NH2 as a promising MOF for the development of nano-targeted therapy for BC. Due to the ultrahigh surface area and porosity of MOFs, the 5-FU drug loading capacity can be greatly increased; in addition, MOFs have well-defined structure, tunable pore size, and easy chemical functionalization. When MOFs were modified with DHA, the terminal carboxyl functional group of DHA can improve the biocompatibility of MOFs and enhance the synergy with anticancer drugs (27-29). However, the MOFs used in this study still have the common problems of MOFs, such as cumbersome synthesis steps, toxic reagents needed and difficult storage.

Funding: This study was supported by Heilongjiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (No. H2017048).
Reporting Checklist: The authors have completed the ARRIVE reporting checklist. Available at https://dx.doi.org/10.21037/atm-21-5978
Data Sharing Statement: Available at https://dx.doi.org/10.21037/atm-21-5978
Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at https://dx.doi.org/10.21037/atm-21-5978). The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Ethical Statement: The authors are accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. Animal experiments were approved by the Animal Ethics Committee of Harbin Medical University Cancer Hospital (approval number: 2019-185) and performed according to the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory animals published by the US National Institutes of Health. Extensive efforts were made to ensure minimal suffering of the animals used in the study.
Open Access Statement: This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which permits the non-commercial replication and distribution of the article with the strict proviso that no changes or edits are made and the original work is properly cited (including links to both the formal publication through the relevant DOI and the license). See: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/.
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(English Language Editor: B. Meiser)