This special series, thanks to the enthusiastic participation of many experts in the field, tries to give a comprehensive overview of the clubfoot pathology, and an objective analysis of the outcome of treatments. The members of leading medical- surgical teams dedicated to the care of children with clubfoot agreed to share their experience and their thoughts on the subject, making this series of articles a unique document summarizing the ‘state of the art’ of clubfoot treatment and its outcome in different part of the world.
Idiopathic clubfoot: past, present and future
Clubfoot pathology in fetus and pathogenesis. A new pathogenetic theory based on pathology, imaging findings and biomechanics—a narrative review
Clubfoot pathoanatomy—biomechanics of deformity correction: a narrative review
Clinical examination and classification systems of congenital clubfoot: a narrative review
The functional method: experience from the Robert Debré Hospital
The ‘Hybrid method’ for the treatment of congenital clubfoot
Narrative Review of the objective analysis of long-term outcome of the Ponseti technique: experience from Dallas
Objective analysis of intermediate-term outcome of the Ponseti technique: a review of the experience from Los Angeles
Narrative review of the management of a relapsed clubfoot
Neglected clubfoot treated by serial casting: a narrative review on how possibility takes over disability
Narrative review of ring fixator management of recurrent club foot deformity
This is a narrative review of the functional evaluation of clubfoot treatment with gait analysis
Clubfoot management in the Middle East: a survey-based review
Clubfoot treatment in China before and after the advent of the Ponseti technique: a historical narrative review
From Codivilla to Ponseti: historical narrative review on clubfoot treatment in Italy
The focused issue “Clubfoot” was commissioned by the editorial office, Annals of Translational Medicine without any sponsorship or funding. Federico Canavese and Alain Dimeglio is serving as the unpaid Guest Editors for the focused issue.