This issue is a compilation of reviews done by expert opinion leaders on critical care and infectious diseases who addressed these two edges. Therefore, it covers a broad spectrum of topics, with special emphasis on issues related with management and the organism. It provides an update of first line research on their respective topics. It also provides valuable information for clinical practitioners, who has limited time to review the vast scientific production and to non-specialists that need to focus on a practical aspect of management of septic shock patients.
Figure1 Guest editors
From left to right: Dr. Jordi Rello, MD, PhD, CIBERES, Medicine Department, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Clinical Research/Innovation in Pneumonia & Sepsis (CRIPS), Vall d’Hebron Institut of Research, Barcelona, Spain.
Dr. Hakan Erdem, MD, Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Gulhane Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey.